owners manual Nissan Juke
owners manual Nissan Juke - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Juke owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Juke, year of production 2010:
Black plate (318,1)
E-85 fuel the condition. Failure to correct the condi-.U.S. governmentregulations require
E-85 fuel is a mixture of approximately 85% fueltion is misuse of the vehicle, for whichethanol dispensing pumps to be
ethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline. E-85 canNISSAN is not responsible.identified by a small, square, orange
only be used in a Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV). DoIncorrect ignition timing will result in sparkand black label with the common
not use E-85 fuel in your vehicle. U.S. govern-knock, after-run and/or overheating, which mayabbreviation or the appropriate per-
ment regulations require fuel ethanol dispensingcause excessive fuel consumption or enginecentage for that region.
pumps to be identified by a small, square,damage. If any of the above symptoms are
orange and black label with the common encountered, have your vehicle checked at a
abbreviation or the appropriate percentage forNISSAN dealer.
that region.
However, now and then you may notice
Aftermarket fuel additiveslight spark knock for a short time while
NISSAN does not recommend the use of anyacceleratingordrivinguphills.Thisisnota
aftermarket fuel additives (for example, fuelcause for concern, because you get the
injector cleaner, octane booster, intake valvegreatest fuel benefit when there is light
deposit removers, etc.) which are sold commer-spark knock for a short time under heavy
cially. Many of these additives intended for gum,engine load.
varnish or deposit removal may contain active
solvent or similar ingredients that can be harmfulCAUTION
to the fuel system and engine.
Octane rating tips . Your vehicle is not designed to run
on E-85 fuel. Using E-85 fuel in a
Using unleaded gasoline with an octanevehicle not specifically designed for
rating lower than recommended can causeE-85 fuel can damage fuel system
persistent, heavy “spark knock”. (Sparkcomponents and is not covered by
knock is a metallic rapping noise.) Ifthe NISSAN new vehicle limited
severe, this can lead to engine damage. Ifwarranty.
you detect a persistent heavy spark knock
even when using gasoline of the stated.E-85 is a mixture of approximately
octane rating, or if you hear steady spark85%fuel ethanol and 15% unleaded
knock while holding a steady speed ongasoline.
level roads, have a NISSAN dealer correct
9-4 Technical and consumer information
Model "F15-D" EDITED: 2010/ 6/ 24
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manual Nissan Juke Nissan Juke owners manual
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