owners manual Nissan Juke
owners manual Nissan Juke - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Juke owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Juke, year of production 2010:
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FUEL RECOMMENDATION Gasoline specifications . The fuel should be unleaded and have
NISSAN recommends the use of unleaded NISSANrecommendsusinggasolinethatmeetsan octane rating no lower than that
premium gasoline with an octane rating of atthe World-Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) speci-recommended for unleaded gasoline.
least 91 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) number (Re-fications where it is available. Many of the.If an oxygenate-blend, other than
search octane number 96). automobile manufacturers developed this spe-methanol blend is used, it should
If unleaded premium gasoline is not available,cification to improve emission control systemcontain no more than 10% oxygenate.
you may use unleaded regular gasoline with anand vehicle performance. Ask your service(MTBE may, however, be added up to
octane rating of at least 87 AKI number station manager if the gasoline meets the15%.)
(Research octane number 91), but you mayWWFCspecifications.
. If a methanol blend is used, it should
notice a decrease in performance.Reformulated gasoline contain no more than 5% methanol
Some fuel suppliers are now producing refor-(methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). It
CAUTION mulated gasolines. These gasolines are speciallyshould also contain a suitable amount
designed to reduce vehicle emissions. NISSANof appropriate cosolvents and corro-
. Using a fuel other than that speci-supports efforts towards cleaner air and sug-sion inhibitors. If not properly formu-
fied could adversely affect the emis-gests that you use reformulated gasoline whenlated with appropriate cosolvents and
sion control system, and may alsoavailable. corrosion inhibitors, such methanol
affect warranty coverage. blends may cause fuel system damage
Gasoline containing oxygenates and/or vehicle performance problems.
. Under no circumstances should aSome fuel suppliers sell gasoline containingAt this time, sufficient data is not
leaded gasoline be used, becauseoxygenates such as ethanol, MTBE and metha-available to ensure that all methanol
this will damage the three-way cat-nol with or without advertising their presence.blends are suitable for use in NISSAN
alyst. NISSAN does not recommend the use of fuelsvehicles.
. DonotuseE-85fuelinyourvehicle.of which the oxygenate content and the fuelIfany driveability problems such as engine
Your vehicle is not designed to runcompatibility for your NISSAN cannot be readilystalling and difficult hot-starting are experienced
on E-85 fuel. Using E-85 fuel candetermined. If in doubt, ask your service stationafter using oxygenate-blend fuels, immediately
damage the fuel system compo-manager. change to a non-oxygenate fuel or a fuel with a
nents and is not covered by theIf you use oxygenate-blend gasoline, please takelow blend of MTBE.
NISSAN new vehicle limited war-the following precautions as the usage of suchTake care not to spill gasoline during
ranty. fuels may cause vehicle performance problemsrefueling. Gasoline containing oxygenates
and/or fuel system damage. can cause paint damage.
Technical and consumer information 9-3
Model "F15-D" EDITED: 2010/ 6/ 24
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