owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Keepyourenginetunedup. 4X4–I SYSTEMOPERATION ● Donotattempttotestan4WDequipped
● Follow the recommended scheduled main- vehicle on a 2-wheel dynamometer
tenance. WARNING (such as the dynamometers used by
● Keep the tires inflated to the correct pres-● Do not drive beyond the performancesome states for emissions testing) or
sure. Low tire pressure increases tire wearcapability of the tires. Acceleratingsimilar equipment even if the other 2
and lowers fuel economy. quickly, sharp steering maneuvers orwheelsareraised off the ground. Make
sudden braking may cause loss of con-sure that you inform the test facility
● Keep all the wheels in correct alignment.trol, evenwithIntelligent4WDengaged.personnelthatyourvehicleisequipped
Improper alignment increases tire wear and with 4WDbeforeitisplacedonadyna-
lowers fuel economy. ● For 4WD equipped vehicles, do not at-mometer. Using the wrong test equip-
tempt to raise 2 wheels off the groundmentmayresultindrivetraindamageor
● Use the recommended viscosity engine oil.and shift the transmission to any driveunexpected vehicle movement which
For additional information, refer to “Engineor reverse position with the engine run-could result in serious personal injury
oil and oil filter recommendations” in thening. Doing so may result in drivetrainor vehicle damage.
“Technical and consumer information” sec-damage or unexpected vehicle move-
tion of this manual. ment which could result in serious per-CAUTION
sonal injury or vehicle damage.
● Do not operate the engine on a free
roller when any of the wheels are
● Ifyouusethefreeroller,rotate4wheels
with the same speed without raising
any wheels.
● If an 4WD warning message is dis-
played while driving there may be a
your vehicle checked by an NISSAN
dealer as soon as possible.
5-38 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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