owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Above 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more● Utilize a map or navigation system to de-10. Keeping your Vehicle Cool
efficient to use A/C to cool the vehicletermine the best route to save time.● Park your vehicle in a covered parking
due to increased aerodynamic drag.7. Avoid Idlingarea or in the shade whenever possible.
● Recirculating the cool air in the cabin● Shutting off your engine when safe for● Whenenteringahotvehicle,openingthe
whentheA/Cisonreducescoolingload.stops exceeding 30–60 seconds saveswindows will help to reduce the inside
4. Drive at Economical Speeds and Dis-fuel and reduces emissions.temperature faster, resulting in reduced
tances 8. Buy an Automated Pass for Toll RoadsdemandonyourA/Csystem.
● Observing the speed limit and not ex-● Automated passes permit drivers to use
ceeding 60 MPH (97 km/h) (where le-special lanes to maintain cruising speed
gally allowed) can improve fuel efficiencythrough the toll and avoid stopping and
due to reduced aerodynamic drag.starting.
● Maintaining a safe following distance be-9. Winter Warm Up
hind other vehicles reduces unnecessary
braking. ● Limitidling time to minimize impact to fuel
● Safely monitoring traffic to anticipateeconomy.
changes in speed permits reduced brak-● Vehicles typically need no more than
ing and smooth acceleration changes.30secondsofidling at start-up to effec-
● Select a gear range suitable to road con-tively circulate the engine oil before driv-
ditions. ing.
5. Use Cruise Control ● Your vehicle will reach its ideal operating
temperature more quickly while driving
● Usingcruise control during highway driv-versus idling.
ing helps maintain a steady speed.
● Cruise control is particularly effective in
6. Plan for the Shortest Route
Starting and driving 5-37

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year of production from: 2013

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