owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2015 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban XI 11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2015:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/
Mexico-9159366) - 2016 - crc - 5/20/15
Driving and Operating 301
vehicle reduce the amount of MaximumTongue
tongue weight the vehicle can carry,Vehicle SeriesHitch Type Weight
which will also reduce the trailer
weight the vehicle can tow. See 1500 Weight Carrying 272kg (600lb)
Vehicle Load Limits0 240 for more1500 Weight Distributing 453kg (1,000lb)
information about the vehicle's
Donotexceedthemaximum If a cargo carrier is used in the
allowable tongue weight for thetrailer hitch receiver, choose a
vehicle. Choose the shortest hitchcarrier that positions the load as
extension that will position the hitchclose to the vehicle as possible.
ball closest to the vehicle. This willMakesurethe total weight,
help reduce the effect of trailerincluding the carrier, is no more than
tongue weight on the rear axle.half of the maximum allowable
Trailer rating may be limited by thetongue weight for the vehicle or 227
vehicle's ability to carry tonguekg (500lb), whichever is less.
weight. Tongue weight cannot causeTotal Weight on the Vehicle's
the vehicle to exceed the GVWRTires
(Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) or
the RGAWR(RearGrossAxle Besure the vehicle's tires are
Trailer tongue weight (1) should beWeight Rating). See“Total Weightinflated to the inflation pressures
10%to15%oftheloadedtrailer on the Vehicle's Tires”following.found on the Certification label on
weight (2) up to the maximums for the center pillar or seeVehicle Load
vehicle series and hitch type.After loading the trailer, weigh theLimits0 240. Make sure not to
trailer and then the tongue,exceed the GVWR limit for the
separately, to see if the weights arevehicle, or the RGAWR, with the tow
proper. If they are not, adjustmentsvehicle and trailer fully loaded for
might be made by moving somethe trip including the weight of the
items around in the trailer.trailer tongue. If using a
weight-distributing hitch, make sure

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year of production from: 2015

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