owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2015 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban XI 11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2015:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/
Mexico-9159366) - 2016 - crc - 5/20/15
Driving and Operating 289
trailer. LCA may alert to objectsIf the LCA displays do not light upLane Keep Assist (LKA)
attached to the vehicle, such as awhenvehicles are in the side blindIf equipped (1500 series vehicles),
trailer, bicycle, or object extendingzone or rapidly approaching thisLKAmayhelpavoidcrashesdueto
out to either side of the vehicle.zone and the system is clean, theunintentional lane departures. It may
Attached objects may also interferesystem may need service. Take theassist by gently turning the steering
with the detection of vehicles. Thisvehicle to your dealer.wheel if the vehicle approaches a
is normal system operation; theWhenLCAisdisabledforany detected lane marking without using
vehicle does not need service.reason other than the driver turninga turn signal in that direction. It may
LCAmaynotalwaysalertthe driverit off, the Side Blind Zone Alert Onalso provide a Lane Departure
to vehicles in the next lane over,option will not be available on theWarning (LDW) system alert as the
especially in wet conditions or whenpersonalization menu.lane marking is crossed. The LKA
driving on sharp curves. The systemRadio Frequency Informationsystem will not assist or provide an
does not need to be serviced. The LDWalert if it detects that you are
system may light up due to SeeRadioFrequencyStatement actively steering. Override LKA by
guardrails, signs, trees, shrubs, and0 427. turning the steering wheel. LKA
other non-moving objects. This is uses a camera to detect lane
normal system operation; theLane Departure markings between 60km/h (37mph)
vehicle does not need service.Warning (LDW) and 180 km/h (112 mph).
LCAmaynotoperatewhentheLCA If equipped, LDW may help avoid
sensors in the left or right corners ofcrashes due to unintentional lane{Warning
the rear bumper are covered withdepartures. It may provide a
mud, dirt, snow, ice, or slush, or inwarning if the vehicle is crossing aThe LKA system does not
heavy rainstorms. For cleaningdetected lane marking without usingcontinuously steer the vehicle.
instructions, see "Washing thea turn signal in the lane departureIt may not keep the vehicle in the
Vehicle" underExterior Care0 391.direction. Since this system is partlane or give a Lane Departure
If the DIC still displays the systemof the Lane Keep Assist (LKA)Warning (LDW) alert, even if a
unavailable message after cleaningsystem, read the entire LKA sectionlane marking is detected.
both sides of the vehicle toward thebefore using this feature. (Continued)
rear corners of the vehicle, see your

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year of production from: 2015

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