owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2015 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban XI 11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2015:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/
Mexico-9159366) - 2016 - crc - 5/20/15
Driving and Operating 287
Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) {Warning Lane Change Alert (LCA)
IBA may activate when the brake If equipped, the LCA system is a
pedal is applied quickly by providingUsing FAB or IBA while towing alane-changing aid that assists
a boost to braking based on thetrailer could cause you to losedrivers with avoiding lane change
speed of approach and distance tocontrol of the vehicle and crash.crashes that occur with moving
a vehicle ahead. Turn the system to Off whenvehicles in the side blind zone (or
Minor brake pedal pulsations ortowing a trailer. spot) areas or with vehicles rapidly
pedal movement during this time is approaching these areas from
normal and the brake pedal shouldSide Blind Zone behind. The LCA warning display
continue to be applied as needed. will light up in the corresponding
IBA will automatically disengageAlert (SBZA) outside side mirror and will flash if
only when the brake pedal isIf equipped, the SBZA system is athe turn signal is on.
released. lane-changing aid that assists
drivers with avoiding crashes that {Warning
{Warning occur with moving vehicles in theLCAdoesnotalert the driver to
IBA may increase vehicle brakingside blind zone (or spot) areas.vehicles outside of the system
in situations when it may not beWhenthevehicle is in a forwarddetection zones, pedestrians,
gear, the left or right side mirrorbicyclists, or animals. It may not
necessary. You could block thedisplay will light up if a moving
flow of traffic. If this occurs, takevehicle is detected in that blindprovide alerts when changing
your foot off the brake pedal andzone. If the turn signal is activatedlanes under all driving conditions.
then apply the brakes as needed.and a vehicle is also detected onFailure to use proper care when
the same side, the display will flashchanging lanes may result in
FABandIBAcanbedisabled as an extra warning not to changeinjury, death, or vehicle damage.
through vehicle personalization. See lanes. Since this system is part ofBefore making a lane change,
“Auto Collision Preparationin”the Lane Change Alert system, readalways check mirrors, glance over
“Collision/Detection Systemsunder”the entire Lane Change Alertyour shoulder, and use the turn
Vehicle Personalization0 173.section before using this feature.signals.

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