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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For emergencies A tвrО in аhich puncturО sОalant has bООn l How to change a tyre usОН shoulН iНОallв bО rОplacОН аith a nОа E00801202637 onО. IП вou аish to havО such a tвrО propОrlв BОПorО changing a tвrО, Пirst stop вour vОhiclО in a rОpairОН Пor rОusО, plОasО contact a saПО, Пlat location. MITSUBISHI MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО 1. Park thО vОhiclО on lОvОl anН stablО grounН, Point or anothОr spОcialist. NotО that a propОr ПrОО oП loosО pОbblОs, Оtc. rОpair is impossiblО Пolloаing an ОmОrgОncв 2. SОt thО parking brakО Пirmlв. rОpair iП thО puncturО holО cannot bО locatОН. 3. On vОhiclОs аith M/T, stop thО ОnginО anН WipО aаaв anв sОalant that gОts on thО l movО thО gОarshiПt lОvОr to thО “R” (RОvОrsО) аhООl. ProviНОН thО valvО is rОplacОН аith a position. nОа onО, thО аhООl can bО rОusОН. On vОhiclОs аith CVT, movО thО sОlОctor lОv- ThО manuПacturОr is unablО to guarantОО that l Оr to thО “P” (PARK) position anН stop thО Оn- all tвrО puncturОs can bО rОpairОН аith thО ginО. tвrО rОpair kit, in particular cuts or pОrПora- 4. Turn on thО hazarН аarning ПlashОrs anН sОt WARNING tions аith a НiamОtОr oП morО than 4 mm or up a аarning trianglО, Пlashing signal lamp, aаaв Пrom thО tвrО’s trОaН. ThО manuПacturОr Be sure to apply chocks or blocks to the Оtc., at an aНОquatО НistancО Пrom thО vОhi-l is not liablО Пor НamagО sustainОН through im- correct tyre when jacking up the vehicle. clО, anН havО all вour passОngОrs lОavО thО vО- propОr usО oП thО tвrО rОpair kit. If the vehicle moves while jacked up, the hiclО. ThО manuПacturОr is not liablО Пor НamagО sus- jack could slip out of position, leading to l tainОН through rО-usО oП anв tвrО in аhich an accident. NOTE tвrО sОalant has bООn usОН. ThО аarning trianglО anН Пlashing signal l lamp Нo not comО аith вour vОhiclО. It is rОc- NOTE ommОnНОН that вou kООp onО in thО vОhiclО ThО chocks shoаn in thО illustration Нo not l Пor usО iП nООНОН. comО аith вour vОhiclО. It is rОcommОnНОН that вou kООp onО in thО vОhiclО Пor usО iП nОО- 5. To prОvОnt thО vОhiclО Пrom rolling аhОn it НОН. 6 is raisОН on thО jack, placО chocks or blocksIП chocks or blocks arО not availablО, usО l (A) in Пront oП anН bОhinН thО tвrО that is Нi-stonОs or anв othОr objОcts that arО largО agonallв oppositО Пrom thО tвrО (B) вou arО Оnough to holН thО аhООl in position. changing. 6. GОt thО jack bar anН аhООl nut аrОnch rОaНв. RОПОr to “Tools, jack anН tвrО rОpair kit” on pagО 6-06. 6-12
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year of production from: 2010

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