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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For emergencies to “TвrО inПlation prОssurОs” on pagО 8-12.)izОН SОrvicО Point or anothОr spОcialist anН CAUTION IП thО tвrО prОssurО has apparОntlв not Нrop-havО tвrО rОpair/rОplacОmОnt pОrПormОН. pОН, thО ОmОrgОncв rОpair procОНurО is com- If you sense any abnormality while driv- l plОtО. You must still not ОбcООН a spООН oП ing, stop the vehicle and contact a 80 km/h (50 mph). ObsОrvО local spООН limits. MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point or another specialist. Other- NOTE wise the tyre pressure may drop before IП thО tвrО prОssurО has НroppОН bОloа thО the emergency repair procedure is com-l spОciПiОН lОvОl аhОn вou chОck it at thО ОnН pleted, rendering the vehicle unsafe. oП thО rОpair procОНurО, Нo not НrivО thО vОhi- clО anв ПurthОr. Contact a MITSUBISHI NOTE MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point or anoth- Driving ПastОr than 80 km/h (50 mph) can l Оr spОcialist. makО thО vОhiclО vibratО. In colН conНitions (аhОn thО ambiОnt tОmpОr- l aturО is 0 °C or loаОr), thО timО anН Нriving 18. AПtОr Нriving Пor 10 minutОs or 5 kmНistancО nОcОssarв until complОtion oП thО rО- (3 milОs), chОck thО tвrО prОssurО using thОpair can bО longОr than in аarmОr conНitions, CAUTION air prОssurО gaugО on thО comprОssor.mОaning that thО tвrО prОssurО can Нrop bО- (RОПОr to “TвrО inПlation prОssurОs” on pagОloа thО spОciПiОН lОvОl ОvОn аhОn вou havОDo not affix the sticker anywhere except l 8-12.) inПlatОН thО tвrО a sОconН timО anН subsОquОnt-the specified position on the pad of the IП thО tвrО prОssurО is not suППiciОnt, inПlatОlв НrivОn thО vОhiclО. IП this happОns, inПlatОsteering wheel. Affixing the sticker in an thО tвrО to thО spОciПiОН prОssurО again anНthО tвrО to thО spОciПiОН prОssurО oncО morО,incorrect position could prevent the SRS НrivО thО vОhiclО carОПullв аithout ОбcООНingНrivО Пor about 10 minutОs or 5 km (3 milОs),airbag from working normally. a spООН oП 80 km/h (50 mph).thОn chОck thО tвrО prОssurО again. IП thО tвrОBe sure to check the tyre pressure for con- l prОssurО has again НroppОН bОloа thО spОci-firmation that the emergency repair pro- ПiОН lОvОl, stop Нriving thО vОhiclО anН con-cedure is complete. tact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS AuthorizОН CAUTION 6 SОrvicО Point or anothОr spОcialist. If the tyre pressure is lower than the min- NOTE l imum permitted pressure (1.3 bar PlОasО givО thО Оmptв sОalant bottlО to вour l 20. AППiб thО spООН rОstriction stickОr (R) to thО {130 kPa}), the tyre cannot successfully MITSUBISHI MOTORS AuthorizОН SОrvicО stООring аhООl at thО position shoаn in thО il- be repaired with the tyre sealant. Do not Point аhОn вou purchasО nОа sОalant or Нis- lustration. ThОn immОНiatОlв НrivО аith grОat drive the vehicle any further. Contact a posО oП thО sОalant bottlО accorНing to nation- carО to a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized al rОgulations Пor thО Нisposal oП chОmical Service Point or another specialist. аastО. 19. AПtОr Нriving Пor 10 minutОs or 5 km (3 milОs), chОck thО tвrО prОssurО using thО air prОssurО gaugО on thО comprОssor. (RОПОr 6-11
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year of production from: 2010

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