owners manual Opel Vectra
owners manual Opel Vectra - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Vectra, year of production 2002 - 2008:
266 Self-help, vehicle care
Plastic and rubber parts Seat belts Windscreen wiper blades
For additional cleaning of plastic and Always keep seat belts clean and dry. Wax, such as that used in car washes, can
rubber parts use Interior/Upholstery Clean only with lukewarm water or Interior/cause streaking on the windscreen when
Cleaner. Do not use any other agent, and Upholstery Cleaner. the wiper is used.
in particular do not use solvents or petrol. Smearing wiper blades can be cleaned with
Do not use high-pressure jet cleaners on Windows a soft cloth and Vauxhall Windscreen
plastic and rubber parts. When cleaning the heated rear window, Wash Solvent, and replaced if necessary –
make sure that the heating element on the see page 277.
Wheels and tyres inside of the window is not damaged.
Do not use high-pressure jet cleaners on Use a soft lint-free cloth or chamois leather Locks
wheels and tyres. in conjunction with Window Cleaning Spray The locks are lubricated with a high-quality
Interior and upholstery and Insect Remover. Lock Cylinder Grease in the factory. Only
Clean the vehicle interior, including the use de-icer in urgent cases, since it has a
instrument panel facia, using Interior/Vauxhall Windscreen Wash Solvent is de-greasing effect and affects the
Upholstery Cleaner. suitable for de-icing windows. operation of the locks. Have the locks
For mechanical removal of ice, use a regreased in a workshop after using
The instrument panel should only be commercially available sharp-edged ice de-icer.
cleaned using a soft damp cloth.scraper. Press the scraper firmly against Engine compartment
Clean fabric upholstery with a vacuum the glass so that no dirt can get under it Areas of the engine compartment that are
cleaner and brush. To remove stains, use and scratch the glass. painted in the same colour as the vehicle
Interior/Upholstery Cleaner that is suitable must be looked after like any other painted
for both fabrics and vinyl. surface.
Do not use cleaning agents such as It is advisable to wash the engine
acetone, tetrachloride, paint thinner, paint compartment before and after winter and
remover, nail varnish remover, washing preserve it with wax. Cover alternator and
powder or bleach. Petrol is also unsuitable. brake fluid reservoir with plastic sheets
Open Velcro fasteners on clothing could before washing the engine.
damage seat upholstery. Make sure that
Velcro fasteners are closed.

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year of production from: 2002

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Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual
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Opel Vectra Vauxhall III 3 owners manual
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