owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Front facing
O The three-point belt in your vehicle is
equipped with an automatic locking
installing a child restraint.
O Failure to use the retractor’s locking SSS0278 SSS0252A
modewillresultinthechildrestraintnot Rearoutboardseat Rearcenterseat
being properly secured. The restraint1. Position the child restraint on the seat.2. The back of the child restraint should
could tip over or otherwise be unsecuredAlways follow the restraint manufactur-be secured against the vehicle seat-
andcauseinjurytothechildinasuddener’s instructions. back. If necessary, adjust or remove
stoporcollision. the head restraint to obtain the correct
child restraint fit. See “Head restraint
adjustment” earlier in this section. If
When you install a front facing child re- the head restraint is removed, store it
straint in a rear outboard or center seat, in a secure place. Be sure to install the
follow these steps: head restraint when the child restraint
is removed.Iftheseatingpositiondoes
not have an adjustable head restraint
and it is interfering with the proper
child restraint fit, try another seating
position or a different child restraint.
Safety—Seats,seatbeltsandsupplementalrestraintsystem 1-17

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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