owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Stan-
dard213. O Followall of the child restraint manufac-fit in all types of vehicles.
O Checkthechildrestraintinyourvehicleturer’s instructions for installation andO Ifyoumustinstallafrontfacingchildre-
tobesureitiscompatiblewiththevehi-use. When purchasing a child restraint,straint in the front seat, see “Child re-
cle’s seat and seat belt system.be sure to select one which will fit yourstraint installation on front passenger
child and vehicle. It may not be possibleseat”later in this section for details.
O Ifthechild restraint is compatible withto properly install some types of child re-
your vehicle, place your child in thestraints in your vehicle.O Whenyourchild restraint is not in use,
child restraint and check the variousO If the child restraint is not anchoredkeep it secured with a seat belt to pre-
adjustments to be sure the child re- vent it from being thrown around in case
straint is compatible with your child.properly, the risk of a child being injuredof a sudden stop or accident.
Choose a child restraint that is de-in a collision or a sudden stop greatly in-
signed for your child’s height andcreases.
weight.AlwaysfollowallrecommendedO Adjustable seatbacks should be posi-
procedures. tionedtofitthechildrestraint,butasup-CAUTION
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces orright as possible.
territories require that infants and small O Afterattaching the child restraint, test itRemember that a child restraint left in a
children be restrained in approved childbefore you place the child in it. Push itclosed vehicle can become very hot. Check
restraints at all times while the vehicle isfrom side to side. Try to tug it forwardthe seating surface and buckles before
beingoperated. and checkto see if the belt holds the re-placingyourchildinthechildrestraint.
WARNING straint in place. The child restraint
should not move more than 1 inch (25
O Improperuseofachildrestraintcan in-mm). If the restraint is not secure,
crease the risk or severity of injury fortighten the belt as necessary, or put the
boththechildandotheroccupantsoftherestraint in another seat and test it
vehicle. again. You may need to try a different
child restraint. Not all child restraints
1-16 Safety—Seats,seatbeltsandsupplementalrestraintsystem

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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