owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● Delete Phone or Device ● Siri
Select to delete a phone from the displayedSelect thePHONESENDbuttonop-
list. The system will ask to confirm beforeeration for Siri®Eyes Free function from
deleting the phone. “ShortPress”and“LongPress”(ifavailable).
● Replace Phone For additionalinformation,referto
Selecttoreplaceaphonefromthedisplayed“Siri®Eyes Free”in this section. “Siri”is dis-
list. When a selection is made, the systemplayed only when a Siri Eyes Free enabled
will ask to confirm before proceeding. TheiPhone®is connected to the vehicle.
recorded phonebook for the phone being● Text Message
deleted will be saved as long as the newSelect to turn on or off the vehicle’s text
phone’s phonebook is the same as the oldmessaging feature.
phone’s phonebook. ● NewTextSound
LHA2274● Select Phone or Device Selecttoadjustthevolumeofthesoundthat
BLUETOOTH®SETTINGS Selecttoconnecttoapreviouslyconnectedplayswhenanewtextisreceivedbyaphone
phone from the displayed list.connected to the Bluetooth® Hands-Free
To access and adjust the settings for the● ShowIncomingCallsPhoneSystem.Thesettingallthewaytothe
Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System:Select “Driver Only” to have incoming callleft indicates that the new text sound will be
1. Press the ENTER/SETTING button.information displayed only in the vehicle in-muted.
formation display. Select “Both” to have in-● ShowIncomingText
2. Use the TUNE/SCROLL knob to selectcomingcallinformationdisplayedinboththeSelect “Driver Only” to have incoming text
“Bluetooth”andthenpressthe vehicle information display and the centermessagesdisplayedonlyinthevehicleinfor-
ENTER/SETTINGbutton: display screen. mationdisplay.Select“Both”tohaveincom-
● Bluetooth ● PhonebookDownload ing text messages displayed in both the ve-
Select “On” or “Off” to turn the vehicle’sSelect to turn on or off the automatic down-hicle information display and the center
Bluetooth® system on or off.load of a connected phone’s phonebook.display screen. Select “None” to have no
● AddPhoneorDevice display of incoming text messages.
For additional information, refer to “Con-
necting procedure”in this section.
4-96 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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