owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● “PhoneNumber”—SpeakthiscommandtoRECEIVINGACALL Ifsupported by the phone, the Bluetooth®
place a call by inputting numbers. For 7– toWhenacallisreceivedbythephoneconnectedHands-FreePhoneSystemallowsforcallwaiting
10–digitphonenumber,speakthenumbers.to the vehicle’s Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phonefunctionality. If a call is received while another call
Say “Correction” at any time in the processSystem,thecallinformationisdisplayedoneitheris already active, a message will be displayed on
to correct a misspoken or misinterpretedthevehicleinformationdisplayorboththevehiclethe screen. Press the(Type A) or
number. For phone numbers with more dig-information display and he control panel display.the(Type B) button to hold the active call
its or special characters, say “Special Num- and switch to the second call. Press the
ber”, then speak the digits. Up to 24 digitsPress the(Type A) or the(Type B)button to reject the second call.
canbeentered.Availablespecialcharactersbutton to accept the call. Press thebuttonWhile the second call is active, pressing
are “start”, “pound”, “plus”, and “pause”.to reject the call.
Whenfinished, say “Dial” to initiate the call. the (Type A) or the(Type B) button
Say “Correction” at any time in the processDURINGACALL will allow the same commands that are available
to correct a misspoken or misinterpretedWhileacallisactive,pressthe(TypeA)orduring any call and additional commands:
number or character. the (Type B) button to access additional● “SwitchCall”–Speakthiscommandtohold
● “Redial” – Speak this command to dial theoptions. Speak one of the following commands:thesecondcallandswitchbacktotheorigi-
numberofthelastoutgoingcall.Thesystem● “(numbers)”– Speak numbers and then saynal call.
will display “Re-dialing ”.“Send” or say “Correction” to change the● “End Other Call” – Speak this command to
The name of the phonebook entry will benumbers entered. staywiththesecondcallandendtheoriginal
displayed if it available, otherwise the num- call.
ber being re-dialed will be displayed.● “Mute On”or “Mute Off”– Speak the com-
● “Call Back” – Speak this command to dialmandtomuteorunmutethesystem.Press the(Type A) or the(Type B)
the number of the last incoming call. The● “Transfer Call” – Speak this command tobutton to accept the call. Press thebutton
systemwilldisplay“Callingbacktransfer the call to the handset. To transferto reject the call.
”. The name of the phone-the call back from the handset to theENDINGACALL
book entry will be displayed if it available,Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System,To end an active call, press thebutton.
otherwise the number being called back willpressthe(TypeA)orthe(Type
be displayed. B) button and confirm when prompted.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-93

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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