owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2010:
Black plate (268,1)
Tires*: GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bneeded. Steering wheel:GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
Check the pressure with a gauge often and always Windshield: Check for changes in the steering condition, such as
prior to long distance trips. Adjust the pressure in all GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bexcessive play, hard steering or strange noises.
tires, including the spare, to the pressure specified.Clean the windshield on a regular basis. Check the
windshield at least every six months for cracks or otherWarning lights and chimes:
Check carefully for damage, cuts or excessive wear.damage. Repair as necessary. GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
Make sure that all warning lights and chimes are
Tire rotation*:GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977BWiper blades*: operating properly.
In the case that Two-Wheel Drive (2WD) and front & GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
Check for cracks or wear if not functioning correctly.Windshield defogger:
rear tires are same size; Tires should be rotated every GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
10,000km(6,000miles).Tiresmarkedwithdirectional Inside vehicle Check that the air comes out of the defogger outlets
indicators can only be rotated between front and rear. GUID-DD8F0F8C-7809-4CFD-8626-B312093E6B47properly and in good quantity when operating the
Make sure that the directional indicators point in theThe maintenance items listed here should be checkedheater or air conditioner.
direction of wheel rotation after the tire rotation ison a regular basis, such as when performing periodic
maintenance, cleaning the vehicle, etc. Windshield wiper and washer*:
completed. GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
Accelerator pedal: Check that the wipers and washer operate properly
In the case that Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) and front & GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Band that the wipers do not streak.
rear tires are same size; Tires should be rotated everyCheck the pedal for smooth operation and make sure
5,000 km (3,000 miles). Tires marked with directionalthat the pedal does not catch or require uneven effort.Under hood and vehicle
Keep the floor mats away from the pedal. GUID-D12A259A-3DC8-4EDF-BD83-DBC9E2DD8F5F
indicators can only be rotated between front and rear. The maintenance items listed here should be checked
Make sure that the directional indicators point in theBrake pedal*: periodically (for example, each time you check the
direction of wheel rotation after the tire rotation is GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bengine oil or refuel).
completed. Check the pedal for smooth operation and make sure
that it attains the proper distance from the floor matBattery*: GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
In the case that front tires are different size from rearwhen depressed fully. Check the brake boosterExcept for maintenance free battery, check the fluid
tires; Tires cannot be rotated. function. Be sure to keep the floor mats away fromlevel in each cell. It should be between the “UPPER”
However,thetimingfortire rotation may vary accordingthe pedal. and “LOWER” lines. Vehicles operated in high
to your driving habits and the road surface conditions.Parking brake*: temperatures or under severe conditions require
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bfrequent checks of the battery fluid level.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) trans- Check the parking brake operation regularly. Check
mitter components (if equipped): that the lever (if equipped) or the pedal (if equipped)Brake (and clutch) fluid level(s)*:
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B
Replace the TPMS transmitter grommet seal, valve hasthepropertravel. Also make sure that the vehicle isFor Manual Transmission (MT) model; make sure that
core and cap when the tires are replaced due to wearheld securely on a fairly steep hill when only thethe brake and clutch fluid levels are between the
or age. parking brake is applied. “MAX” and “MIN” lines on the reservoirs.
Wheel alignment and balance: Seat belts: GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977BExcept for Manual Transmission (MT) model; make
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B sure that the brake fluid level is between the “MAX”
If the vehicle should pull to either side while driving onCheck that all parts of the seat belt system (for
a straight and level road, or if you detect uneven orexample, buckles, anchors, adjusters and retractors)and “MIN” lines on the reservoir.
abnormal tire wear, there may be a need for wheel operate properly and smoothly, and are installed
alignment. If the steering wheel or seat vibrates atsecurely. Check the belt webbing for cuts, fraying,
normal highway speeds, wheel balancing may be wear or damage.
8-4 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Condition: [ Edit: 2013/ 2/ 25Model: K13-A ]

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year of production from: 2010

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