owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
06 Maintenance and specifications
Vehicle care
CAUTION CAUTION mal and the lights are designed to withstand
• Avoid waxing or polishing plastic or rub-• Before driving into an automatic carmoisture. Normally, condensation will dissi-
ber components wash, turn off the optional rain sensor topate after the lights have been on for a short
avoid damaging the windshield wipers.time.
• Polishing chromed strips can wear
away or damage the surface • Make sure that side view mirrors, auxil-Polishing and waxing
• Polishes containing abrasive sub-iary lamps, etc, are secure, and that any• Normally, polishing is not required during
stances should not be used antenna(s) are retracted or removed.the first year after delivery, however, wax-
Otherwise there is risk of the machineing may be beneficial.
Automatic car wash dislodging them.
• Chromed wheels: Clean chrome-• Before applying polish or wax the vehicle
• We do NOT recommend washing your carplated wheels using the same deter-must be washed and dried. Tar spots can
in an automatic wash during the first sixgents used for the body of the vehicle.be removed with kerosene or tar remover.
months (because the paint will not haveAggressive wheel-cleaning agents canDifficult spots may require a fine rubbing
hardened sufficiently). permanently stain chrome-platedcompound.
• An automatic wash is a simple and quickwheels. • After polishing use liquid or paste wax.
way to clean your car, but it is worth • Several commercially available products
remembering that it may not be as thor-WARNING contain both polish and wax.
ough as when you yourself go over the car • Waxing alone does not substitute for pol-
with sponge and water. Keeping the under-• When the vehicle is driven immediatelyishing a dull surface.
06 body clean is most important, especially inafter being washed, apply the brakes,
the winter. Some automatic washers doincluding the parking brake, several• A wide range of polymer-based waxes can
not have facilities for washing the under-times in order to remove any moisturebe purchased today. These waxes are easy
body. from the brake linings. to use and produce a long-lasting, high-
• Engine cleaning agents should not begloss finish that protects the bodywork
used when the engine is warm. Thisagainst oxidation, road dirt and fading.
constitutes a fire risk. • Do not polish or wax your vehicle in direct
sunlight (the surface of the vehicle should
Exterior lighting not be warmer than 113 °F (45 °C).
Condensation may form temporarily on the
inside of the lenses of exterior lights such as
headlights, fog lights, or taillights. This is nor-

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year of production from: 2007

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