Voice Pass-Thru Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)
Voice Pass-Thru allows access to the voice recognitionTones
commands on the cell phone. See the cell phoneThe in-vehicle Bluetooth system can send numbers and
manufacturers user guide to see if the cell phonenumbersstoredasnametagsduringacall.Thisisused
supports this feature. This feature can be used towhencalling a menudrivenphonesystem.Account
verbally access contacts stored in the cell phone.numberscanbeprogrammedintothephonebookfor
1. Press and hold b g for two seconds. The systemretrieval during menu driven calls.
responds with “Ready” followed by a tone.Sending a Number During a Call
2. Say “Bluetooth”. The system responds with1. Press b g . The system responds with “Ready”
“Bluetooth ready” followed by a tone.followed by a tone.
3. Say “Voice”. The system responds with “OK,2. Say “Dial”. The system responds with “Say a
”. number to send tones” followed by a tone.
• The cell phone’s normal prompt messages will3. Say the number to send.
go through its cycle according to the phone’s
operating instructions. • If the system clearly recognizes the number it
responds with “OK, Sending Number” and the
dial tones are sent and the call continues.
• If the system is not sure it recognized the
number properly, it responds “Dial Number,
Please say yes or no?” followed by a tone.
If the number is correct, say “Yes”. The system
responds with “OK, Sending Number” and
the dial tones are sent and the call continues.