owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
hibitors. If not properly formulated withAftermarket fuel additivesNISSAN dealer or other competent service fa-
appropriate cosolvents and corrosion cility.
inhibitors, such methanol blends mayNISSAN does not recommend the use of anyHowever, now and then you may notice
cause fuel system damage and/or ve-aftermarket fuel additives (for example, fuel in-light spark knock for a short time while
hicle performance problems. At thisjector cleaner, octane booster, intake valve de-accelerating or driving up hills. This is no
time, sufficient data is not available toposit removers, etc.) which are sold commer-cause for concern, because you get the
ensure that all methanol blends arecially. Many of these additives intended for gum,greatest fuel benefit when there is light
suitable for use in NISSAN vehicles.varnish or deposit removal may contain activespark knock for a short time under heavy
If any undesirable driveability problems such assolvents or similar ingredients that can be harm-engine load.
engine stalling and hard hot starting are experi-ful to the fuel system and engine.
enced after using oxygenate-blend fuels, imme-Octane rating tips
diately change to a non-oxygenate fuel or a fuel
with a low blend of MTBE.Using unleaded gasoline with an octane
Takecarenottospill gasoline during refu-rating lower than recommended can cause
eling. Gasoline containing oxygenates canpersistent, heavy spark knock. (Spark
cause paint damage. knock is a metallic rapping noise.) If se-
E-85 fuel vere,thiscanleadtoenginedamage.Ifyou
E-85 fuel is a mixture of approximately 85% fuelwhen using gasoline of the above stated
ethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline. E-85 canoctane rating, or if you hear steady spark
only be used in a Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV). Doknock while holding a steady speed on
not use E-85 fuel in your vehicle. U.S. govern-level roads, have your dealer correct the
ment regulations require fuel ethanol dispensingcondition. Failure to correct the condition
pumps to be identified by a small, square, or-is misuse of the vehicle, for which NISSAN
ange and black label with the common abbre-is not responsible.
viation or the appropriate percentage for thatIncorrect ignition timing will result in knocking,
region. after-run or overheating. This in turn may cause
excessive fuel consumption or damage to the
engine. If any of the above symptoms are en-
countered, have your vehicle checked at a
9-4 Technical and consumer information
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year of production from: 2002
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Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual
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