owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
FUEL RECOMMENDATION gests that you use reformulated gasoline when
Under no circumstances should aavailable.
Use unleaded premium gasoline with an octaneleaded gasoline be used, becauseGasoline containing oxygenates
rating of at least 91 AKI (Anti-Knock Index)this will damage the three-way cata-
number (Research octane number 96).lyst. Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing
If premium gasoline is not available, unleaded Do not use E-85 fuel in your vehicle.oxygenates such as ethanol, MTBE and metha-
regular gasoline with an octane rating of 87 AKIYour vehicle is not designed to runnol with or without advertising their presence.
number (Research octane number 91) may beon E-85 fuel. Using E-85 fuel canNISSANdoesnotrecommendtheuseoffuelsof
temporarily used, but only under the following which the oxygenate content and the fuel com-
precautions: damagethefuelsystemcomponentspatibility for your NISSAN cannot be readily
and is not covered by the NISSANdetermined. If in doubt, ask your service station
Have the fuel tank filled only partially withvehicle limited warranty.manager.
unleaded regular gasoline, and fill up with If you use oxygenate-blend gasoline, please take
unleaded premium gasoline as soon as pos-Gasoline specificationsthe following precautions as the usage of such
sible. fuels may cause vehicle performance problems
Avoidfullthrottle driving and abrupt accelera-NISSANrecommendsusinggasolinethatmeetsand/or fuel system damage.
tion. the World-Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) specifi- The fuel should be unleaded and have
However, for maximum vehicle perfor-cations where it is available. Many of the auto-an octane rating no lower than that
mance,theuseofunleadedpremiumgaso-mobile manufacturers developed this specifica-recommended for unleaded gasoline.
line is recommended. tion to improve emission control system and If an oxygenate-blend, excepting a
vehicle performance. Ask your service stationmethanol blend, is used, it should con-
CAUTION manager if the gasoline meets the WWFCtain no more than 10% oxygenate.
specifications. (MTBE may, however, be added up to
UsingafuelotherthanthatspecifiedReformulated gasoline 15%.)
could adversely affect the emissionSomefuelsuppliersarenowproducingreformu- If a methanol blend is used, it should
control system, and may also affectlated gasolines. These gasolines are speciallycontainnomorethan5%methanol(me-
the warranty coverage. designed to reduce vehicle emissions. NISSANthyl alcohol, wood alcohol). It should
supports efforts towards cleaner air and sug-also contain a suitable amount of ap-
propriate cosolvents and corrosion in-
Technical and consumer information 9-3
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year of production from: 2002
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Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual
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