owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
PLUG‑INHYBRIDoperation 253
Automaticenginestart Theuseofelectric energy is automatically opti-
Theautomaticallyswitched-offinternalcombus-mally distributed from the beginning to the end
tion engine starts automatically in certain situa-of the journey, using information about the
tions, if: route. The distribution is pre-emptive and takes
into consideration:
accelerator pedal is greater than the electricRthesections of the journey aheadg
motor alone can provide Rtheenergyconsumptiononthewholeroute
Rthedriver switches to drive program S or MThecondition of charge of the high-voltage bat-rkin
tery is thus systematically controlled. In addi-a
Rthecondition of charge of the high-voltagetion, the control function takes into accountp
battery has reached the lower limitthat:
Rthesettings of the automatic climate control and
requireit,e.g.atexternaltemperaturesaboveRthefuelsavings through the use of electrical
30† energycanvary,dependingontheroute(e.g.ing
Overrunmode urban, interurban or highway) iv
In overrun mode, the combustion engine isparticular for electric operation (e.g. urbanDr
train. The electric motor: The vehicle thus automatically selects the opti-
Rgenerates low thrust, which corresponds tomumdrivingmodefortherespectivesectionof
the overrun mode of an active combustionthe route.
engine The route-based operating strategy is available
Rfunctions as a generator and produces theunder the following conditions:
necessaryenergyfortheauxiliaryconsumersRdrive program E+ is selected
andcharges the high-voltage batteryRHYBRIDdrivingmodeisselected
OverrunmodeispossibleinthefollowingspeedRactive route guidance is activated
Rsuitable map data is available
RindriveprogramEbelow81mph(130km/h)Whentheroute-based operating strategy is
Rindrive program E+ below 112 mph being used, the area in front of the vehicle is
(180 km/h) shownasgreeninthemultifunction display.
In drive program E+, after the accelerator pedal
has been released the coasting characteristics
of the vehicle are adapted to the traffic condi-Parking
tions. Further information about the hapticXApplytheelectric parking brake.
r pedal (Y page 251).
accelerato Thered!indicatorlampintheinstrument
Route-based operating strategy cluster lights up.
automatic transmission to P.
temfactors in information about the expectedXSwitchtheignition off.
route when route guidance is active.TheREADYindicatorintheinstrumentcluster
The information on the route is provided by thegoes out.
multimedia system and includes the following:Furtherinformationonparkingandswitchingoff
Rroadcategories the internal combustion engine (Y page 190).
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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