owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
252 PLUG‑INHYBRIDoperation
a generator and stores the recovered energyECOstart/stopfunction
in the high-voltage battery
Rwhenthebrakesareappliedlightly, the vehi-General notes
cle is slowed down further by the electricTheECOstart/stopfunctionswitchestheinter-
motor. This increases the energy recoverynal combustion engine off automatically when
taking place (Y page 240). The electric motorthe vehicle stops moving and at high speeds
ing ered energy in the high-voltage battery(
k All vehicle systems remain active, e.g. the auto-
parRwhenthebrakesareappliedwithgreatermatic climate control.
force,theservicebrakesarealsousedtoslowTheECOstart/stopfunctionisonlyavailable in
the vehicle down. The two systems workdriveprogramsEandE+.Electric-onlyoperation
and together is only possible in drive programs E and E+.
Urbandriving Additional information for drive programs E and
ivingEnergy is recuperated during frequent deceler-E+(Ypage250).
Dration and stopping in city traffic.Automaticengineswitch-off
The vehicle can be driven by the electric motorTheengineisswitchedoffautomatically,includ-
alone up to a speed of approximately 81 mphing when:
(130 km/h).
ThevehicleisdrivenbytheelectricmotoraloneRthedriver removes his or her foot from the
only when all conditions for the automaticaccelerator pedal in drive program E and a
engine switch-off are fulfilled. speedof81mph(130km/h)isnotexceeded
Further information on the automatic engine(Y page 253)
Ypage252). Rthedriver removes his or her foot from the
switch-off ( accelerator pedal in drive program E+ and a
Driving on inter-urban roads speed of 112 mph (180 km/h) is not excee-
The following phases are possible when drivingded(Ypage253)
oninter-urban roads: Rtheenginehasreacheditsoperatingtemper-
Rrapid acceleration (boost mode)
Rthedriver’s seat belt is fastened and the
Rconstant energy consumption driver’s door is closed
Renergyrecuperation Rthedriver only slightly depresses the accel-
Relectric operation mode eratorpedalinorderto,forexample,maintain
Agreat deal of recovered energy may be avail-the current speed for a limited distance
able, depending on the route profile. ThisRthehoodisclosedandengagedproperly
reduces consumption and emissions.Rthehigh-voltage battery is charged suffi-
Highwaydriving ciently
During highway driving, fuel consumption andRnomalfunctions are present in the hybrid
emissions are favorably influenced in particulardrive system
by reduced power losses. The internal combustion engine will not be
Theinternalcombustionenginewillbeswitchedswitched off automatically, if:
off automatically, if: Rtheself-diagnosis function of the engine con-
Rthedriver removes his or her foot from thetrol unit is still active
accelerator pedal in drive program E and aRthereisamalfunctioninthehybriddrivesys-
Rthedriver removes his or her foot from theRtheclimate control of the vehicle requires it
accelerator pedal in drive program E+ and aRthehigh-voltage battery is being charged
speed of 112 mph (180 km/h) is not excee-(Y page 246)
ded Rautomatic emissions tests are running
Further information on the automatic engine
switch-off (
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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