owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2010:
Black plate (252,1)
. There is a possibility that the pressure 10. If the tire pressure drops, repeat the steps from 5.
reaches 600 kPa while the tire is being If the pressure drops again or under 130 kPa (19
inflated, but it is normal condition. Usually psi), the tire cannot be repaired with this tire repair
the pressure will drop in about 30 seconds. kit. Contact a NISSAN dealer.
. Do not operate the compressor for more CAUTION:
than 10 minutes.
If the tire pressure does not increase to 180 kPa Donotreuse the tire sealant bottle or the hose.
(26 psi) within 10 minutes, the tire may be For a new tire sealant bottle and hose, see a
seriously damaged and the tire cannot be
NISSAN dealer.
SCE0871 repaired with this tire repair kit. Contact a
NISSAN dealer. After repairing tire
6. 6. Push the ignition switch to the “ACC” position. GUID-52CAAEB6-544F-47BF-B8AB-2A348A9FC39C
Then turn the compressor switch to the ON (−) 7. When the tire pressure is reaching the specifiedSee a NISSAN dealer for tire repair/replacement as
position and inflate the tire up to the pressure thatpressure or is at the minimum of 180 kPa (26 psi),soon as possible.
is specified on the tire placard affixed to the turn the air compressor off. Remove the power
driver’s side center pillar if possible, or to theplug from the power outlet and quickly remove the
minimum of 180 kPa (26 psi). Turn the air hose from the tire valve. Attach the protective cap
compressor off briefly in order to check the tire and valve cap.
pressure with the pressure gauge. CAUTION:
If the tire is inflated to higher than the specified
pressure, adjust the tire pressure by releasing airLeavethetiresealant bottle on the bottle holder
with the pressure release valve. The cold tirein order to prevent sealant from spilling out.
pressures are shown on the tire placard affixed to8.Immediately drive the vehicle for 10 minutes or 3
the driver’s side center pillar. km (2 miles) at a speed of 80 km/h (50 MPH) or
CAUTION: less.
9. After driving, make sure that the air compressor
. Anincompleteconnectionbetweenthehose switch is in the OFF position, then screw the hose
and tire valve causes air leakage or sealant securely onto the tire valve. Check the tire
scatter. pressure with the pressure gauge. The temporary
. Do not stand directly beside the damaged repair is completed if the tire pressure does not
tire while it is being inflated because of the drop.
risk of the rupture. If there are any cracks or Make sure the pressure is adjusted to the
bumps, turn the compressor off immedi- pressure that is specified on the tire placard
ately. before driving.
6-8 Incaseofemergency
Condition: [ Edit: 2013/ 2/ 25Model: K13-A ]

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year of production from: 2010

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