owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
HITCHES A safety chain must always be usedTIRES
between the towing vehicle and the
Use only a hitch which is recom- Ensure that your vehicle’s tires are
mended by the hitch manufacturer and trailer. Leave sufficient slack in theproperly inflated. Adjust the tire pres-
chain for turns. The chain should
conforms to the total trailer weight re- sure to the recommended cold tire
quirement. cross under the trailer tongue to pressure indicated below (see page
Follow the directions supplied by the prevent the tongue from dropping to 309 in Section 7-2 and page 334 in
hitch manufacturer. Lubricate the hitchthe ground in case it becomes dam- Section 8 for instructions.):
aged or separated. For correct safety 2
ball with a light coat of grease. Tire pressure ,kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi)
chain procedures, follow the hitch or
Toyota recommends removing the trail- trailer manufacturer’s recommenda- P205/65R15 92T or 92H
er hitch whenever you are not towing tions. Front 220 (2.2, 32)
a trailer to reduce the possiilityb of Rear 220 (2.2, 32)
additional damage caused by the hitch CAUTION P215/60R16 94V
if your vehicle is struck from behind. Front 200 (2.0, 29)
NOTICE If the total trailer weight exceeds Rear 200 (2.0, 29)
453 kg (1000 lb.), trailer brakes are P215/55R17 93V
Do not use axle-mounted hitches as required. Front 220 (2.2, 32)
they can cause damage to the axle Never tap into your vehicle’s hy- Rear 220 (2.2, 32)
housing, wheel bearings, wheels or draulic system as it would lower its The trailer tires should be inflated to
braking effectiveness.
tires. Also, never install a hitch which the pressure recommended by the trail-
may interfere with the normal functionNever tow a trailer without using a er manufacturer in respect to the total
of an Energy Absorbing Bumper, if so safety chain securely attached to trailer weight.
equipped. both the trailer and the vehicle. If
damage occurs to the coupling unit
BRAKES AND SAFETY CHAINS or hitch ball, there is danger of the
Toyota recommends trailers with trailer wandering over into another
brakes that conform to any applica- lane.
ble federal and state/provincial regu-
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual
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