owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
Types of tires
CAUTION Determine what kind of tires yourAll season tires, however, do not have
vehicle is originally equipped with.adequate traction performance
compared with snow tires in heavy or
1. Summer tires
Even if the total load of occu- loose snow. Also, all season tires fall
pant’s weight and the cargo loadSummer tires are high-speed capabil- short in acceleration and handling
is less than the total load capac- ity tires best suited to highway driving performance compared with summer
ity, do not apply the load uneven-under dry conditions. tires in highway driving.
ly. That may cause not only dam-Since summer tires do not have the
age to the tire but also deteriora- The details about how to distinguish
tion to the steering ability due tosame traction performance as snow summer tires from all season tires are
unbalance of the vehicle, causingtires, summer tires are inadequate for described on page 228.
an accident. driving on snow-covered or icy roads.
For driving on snow-covered or icy CAUTION
roads, we recommend using snow
tires. If installing snow tires, be sure Do not mix summer and all sea-
to replace all four tires. son tires on your vehicle as
2. All season tires this can cause dangerous han-
All season tires are designed to pro-dling characteristics, resulting
vide better traction in snow and to bein loss of control.
adequate for driving in most winter
conditions, as well as for use all year Do not use tires other than the
round. manufacturer’s designated
tires, and never mix tires or
wheels of the sizes different
from the originally equipped
tires and wheels.
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual
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