owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2001 - 2012:
Controls in detail
Useful features
Warning! G iVarious mobile phone cradles can be Please note that these functions are only
installed in the center armrest, see separate available with Mercedes-Benz approved
installation instructions for the mobile phone mobile phones. Please contact an autho-
Please do not forget that your primary re-cradle. These mobile phone cradles can be rized Mercedes-Benz Center for informa-
sponsibility is to drive the vehicle. A drivers obtained from an authorized Mercedes-Benz tion on features available for your mobile
attention to the road must always be Center. phone of choice.
his/her primary focus when driving. For The functions and services available to you while The cradle is located in the front center
your safety and the safety of others, we rec-using the mobile phone depend on your service
ommend that you pull over to a safe location provider and the type of mobile phone you are armrest.
and stop before placing or taking a tele-using. See also separate operating manual for Open the telephone compartment
phone call. instructions on how to use your mobile phone.( page 239).
If you choose to use the telephone1 while When the mobile phone is inserted in the
driving, please use the hands-free device cradle, you can operate the telephone Inserting mobile phone in mobile phone
and only use the telephone when road, using the following devices: cradle
weather and traffic cond itions permit. Some mobile phone keypad Once the mobile phone has been inserted
jurisdictions prohibit the driver from using a Voice Control System* (see separate in the mobile phone cradle, you have to
mobile telephone while driving a vehicle.operating instructions) use the hands-free device to respond
Only operate the COMAND (Cockpit COMAND (see separate operating during phone calls.
Management and Data System)1
if road, instructions) !Do not try to remove the mobile phone along
weather, and traffic conditions permit. with the cradle. You could otherwise damage the
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph buttonss andt on the multi- mobile phone cradle.
(approximately 50 km/h), your vehicle is function steering wheel ( page 144)
covering a distance of 44 feet
(approximately 14 m) every second.
1 Observe all legal requirements.

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year of production from: 2001

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Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual
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