owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2001 - 2012:
Controls in detail
Useful features
!The lighter socket can accommodate Load assist in the trunk
12VDC electrical accessories (up to a maximum
of 85 W) designed for use with the standard To facilitate trunk loading after opening the
“cigarette lighter” plug type. Keep in mind, how-trunk lid, use the load assist feature to
ever, that connecting accessories to the lighter raise the retracted hardtop from its stor-
socket (for example extensive connecting and age position in the trunk.
disconnecting, or using plugs that do not fit prop-
erly) can damage the lighter socket. With the
socket damaged, the lighter may no longer be Warning!G
able to be placed in the heating (pushed-in) posi-
tion, or the lighter may pop out too early with the To prevent injuries, make sure that there is
1Cigarette lighter lighter not hot enough. no possibility of body parts getting caught in
Push in cigarette lighter 1. To help avoid damaging the cigarette lighter moving parts. If potential danger exists,
socket, we recommend connecting 12V DC elec-press the switch again. This will immediately
The lighter will pop out automatically trical accessories designed for use with the stan-stop the movement of the hardtop.
when hot. dard “cigarette lighter” plug type to the
12Vpower outlet ( page 246) in your vehicle
whenever possible.

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year of production from: 2001

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Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual
pages 243 - 249
Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual
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