owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
BLUETOOTH®STREAMINGAUDIO 4. The system acknowledges the command
WITHOUTNAVIGATIONSYSTEM(if and asks you to initiate connecting from the
so equipped) phone handset. The connecting procedure
of the cellular phone varies according to
If you have a compatible Bluetooth® audio de- each cellular phone model. For additional
vice that is capable of playing audio files, the information, refer to the cellular phone Own-
device can be connected to the vehicle’s audio er’s Manual for details. You can also visit
system so that the audio files on the device play www.nissanusa.com/bluetoothor
through the vehicle’s speakers. www.nissan.ca.com/bluetooth for instruc-
tions on connectingNISSANrecommended
cellular phones.
Audio main operation
To switch to the Bluetooth® audio mode, press
LHA2775the MEDIA buttonrepeatedlyuntilthe
Connecting Bluetooth® audio Bluetooth® audio mode is displayed on the
To connect your Bluetooth® audio device to theThe controls for the Bluetooth® audio are dis-
vehicle, follow the procedure below:playedonthescreen.UsethePreset3buttonfor
1. Press the ENTER/SETTING button.play and the Preset 4 button for pause.
2. Select the “Bluetooth”key.BLUETOOTH®STREAMINGAUDIO
3. Select the “Add Phone or Device” key. ThisWITHNAVIGATIONSYSTEM
same screen can be accessed to remove,If you have a compatible Bluetooth® audio de-
replace or select a different Bluetooth® de-vice that is capable of playing audio files, the
vice. device can be connected to the vehicle’s audio
system so that the audio files on the device play
through the vehicle’s speakers.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-71

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