owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● iPod® nano - 1st generation (firmware ver-
sion 1.3.1 or later)
● iPod®nano-2ndgeneration(firmwarever-
sion 1.1.3 or later)
● iPod®nano-3rdgeneration (firmware ver-
sion 1.1.3 or later)
● iPod®nano-4thgeneration (firmware ver-
sion 1.0.4 or later)
● iPod®nano-5thgeneration (firmware ver-
sion 1.0.2 or later)
● iPod®nano-6thgeneration (firmware ver-
sion 1.1 or later) LHA2911 LHA2907
● iPhone®3G(firmwareversion4.2.1orlater)Audio main operation Interface
● iPhone®3GS(firmwareversion5.1orlater)AUXbutton The interface for iPod® operation shown on the
● iPhone®4(firmware version 5.1 or later)WhentheAUXbuttonispressedwiththesystemvehicle’saudiosystemdisplayscreenissimilarto
● iPhone®4S(firmwareversion 5.1 or later)off andtheiPod®connected,thesystemwillturnthe iPod® interface. Use the touch-screen,
on. If another audio source is playing and theBACK button or the scrolling knob to navigate
* Some features of this iPod® may not be fullyiPod® is connected, press the AUX button re-the menus on the screen.
functional. peatedly until the center display changes to theWhentheiPod®isplaying,touchthe“Menu”key
MakesurethatyouriPod®firmwareisupdatedtoiPod®mode. to bring up the iPod® interface.
the version indicated above. Depending on the iPod® model, the following
items may be available on the menu list screen.
For additional information, refer to the iPod®
Owner’s Manual regarding each menu item.
● Playlists
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-69

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year of production from: 2013

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