owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
For pleasant driving
3. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thОNOTE 10. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “WoulН вou likО to
Пolloаing: nОа Оntrв, ОНit numbОr, ОНit import anothОr contact?”
lIП thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО cannot rОcog-
namО, list namОs, НОlОtО, ОrasО all, or import ® AnsаОr “YОs” iП вou аant to continuО аith
nisО thО BluОtooth compatiblО cОllular
contact.” Saв “Import contact.” thО rОgistration. You can continuО to rОgistОr
phonО or thО connОction takОs too much
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “WoulН вou likО to a nОа phonО book Оntrв Пrom StОp 5.
timО, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “Import con-
import a singlО Оntrв or all contacts?” Saв AnsаОr “No,” to rОturn to thО main mОnu.
tact has timОН out” anН thОn thО sвstОm аill
“SinglО Оntrв.”
cancОl thО rОgistration. In such casО, start
ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО аill bОcomО
ovОr again Пrom StОp 1. To change the content registered in the vehicle
rОaНв to rОcОivО transПОrrОН phonО book Нata.
PrОssing thО HANG-UP button or prОssingphone book
anН holНing thО SPEECH button аill cancОlYou can changО or НОlОtО a namО or tОlОphonО num-
thО rОgistration. bОr rОgistОrОН in thО vОhiclО phonО book.
You can also listОn to thО list oП namОs rОgistОrОН
IП thО maбimum numbОr oП ОntriОs arО al-
in thО vОhiclО phonО book.
rОaНв rОgistОrОН, thО voicО guiНО аill saв
7. WhОn thО rОcОption is complОtО, thО voicО
“ThО phonО book is Пull. WoulН вou likО to
guiНО аill saв “ numbОrs havО bООn importОН. What
ThО sвstОm must havО at lОast onО Оntrв.
Saв “No,” to rОturn to thО main mОnu.
namО аoulН вou likО to usО Пor thОsО num-
[EНiting a tОlОphonО numbОr]
Saв thО namО вou аant to rОgistОr Пor this
5. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “RОaНв to rОcОivО
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
phonО book Оntrв.
a contact Пrom thО phonО. Onlв a homО, a
2. Saв “PhonО book.”
аork, anН a mobilО numbОr can bО impor-
3. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thО
tОН,” thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО аill rО-NOTE
Пolloаing: nОа Оntrв, ОНit numbОr, ОНit
5 cОivО thО phonО book Нata Пrom thО BluО-IП thО ОntОrОН namО is alrОaНв usОН Пor othОr
namО, list namОs, НОlОtО, ОrasО all, or import
phonО book Оntrв or similar to a namО usОН
tooth compatiblО cОllular phonО.
contact.” Saв “EНit numbОr.”
® Пor othОr phonО book Оntrв, that namО cannot
OpОratО thО BluОtooth compatiblО cОllular
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО saв thО
bО rОgistОrОН.
phonО to sОt it up so that thО phonО book Оn-
namО oП thО Оntrв вou аoulН likО to ОНit, or
trв вou аant to rОgistОr in thО vОhiclО phonО
saв list namОs.” Saв thО namО oП thО phonО
book can bО transПОrrОН to thО BluОtooth 2.08. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “AННing .”
book Оntrв вou аant to ОНit.
intОrПacО. WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs-
tОm аill ask iП thО namО is corrОct. AnsаОr
Saв “List namОs,” anН thО namОs rОgistОrОН
AnsаОr “No,” anН thО voicО guiНО аill saв
in thО phonО book аill bО rОaН out in orНОr.
“NamО plОasО.” RОgistОr a НiППОrОnt namО.
RОПОr to “ListОning to thО list oП rОgistОrОН
9. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “NumbОrs savОН.”
namОs” on pagО 5-60.
5-62 OCRE12E1

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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