owners manual Mitsubishi L200
owners manual Mitsubishi L200 - year of production: 2006 - Mitsubishi L200 IV manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi L200, year of production 2006:
For pleasant driving
IП thО namО вou sОlОctОН has matching НataFor ОбamplО, iП Нuring a call вou nООН to simulatОSwitching between hands-free mode and private
in thО mobilО phonО book but no tОlОphonОthО prОss oП a phonО button as a rОsponsО to an auto-mode
numbОr is rОgistОrОН unНОr thО sОlОctОН loca-matОН sвstОm, prОss thО SPEECH button anН spОak
tion, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “дhomО/аork/“1 2 3 4 pounН SEND” anН thО 1234# аill bО sОntThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО can sаitch bОtаООn
mobilО/othОrж not ПounН Пor . WoulНon вour cОllular phonО. HanНs-ПrОО moНО (HanНs-ПrОО calls) anН privatО
вou likО to trв again?” moНО (calls using cОllular phonО).
Receiving calls
AnsаОr “YОs,” anН thО sвstОm аill rОturn to IП вou prОss thО SPEECH button anН saв “TransПОr
StОp 3. call” Нuring a HanНs-ПrОО call, вou can stop thО
IП an incoming phonО call is rОcОivОН аhilО thО ig-
AnsаОr “No,” anН thО call аill bО cancОllОН. HanНs-ПrОО moНО anН talk in privatО moНО.
nition sаitch is in thО “ACC” or “ON” position, thО
Start ovОr again Пrom StОp 1. To rОturn to HanНs-ПrОО moНО, prОss thО SPEECH
auНio sвstОm аill bО automaticallв turnОН on anН
button again anН saв “TransПОr call”.
sаitchОН to thО incoming call, ОvОn аhОn thО auНio
6. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “Calling sвstОm аas originallв oПП.
Phone book function
” anН thОn thО sвstОm аill Нial thОThО voicО guiНО announcОmОnt Пor thО incoming
tОlОphonО numbОr. ®
call аill bО output Пrom thО Пront passОngОr’s sОat
ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО has 2 tвpОs oП uniquО
phonО books that arО НiППОrОnt Пrom thО phonО book
IП thО CD plaвОr or raНio аas plaвing аhОn thО in-
NOTE storОН in thО cОllular phonО. ThОв arО thО vОhiclО
coming call аas rОcОivОН, thО auНio sвstОm аill
WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs- phonО book anН thО mobilО phonО book.
mutО thО sounН Пrom thО CD plaвОr or raНio anН out-
tОm аill ask iП thО namО anН location oП thО ThОsО phonО books arО usОН to rОgistОr tОlОphonО
put onlв thО incoming call.
rОcОivОr arО corrОct. numbОrs anН to makО calls to НОsirОН numbОrs via
To rОcОivО thО call, prОss thО PICK-UP button on
IП thО namО is corrОct, ansаОr “YОs.” thО voicО rОcognition Пunction.
thО stООring аhООl control sаitch.
To changО thО namО or location to call, an-
WhОn thО call is ovОr, thО auНio sвstОm аill rОturn
sаОr “No.” ThО sвstОm аill rОturn to StОp 3.
to its prОvious statО.
DisconnОcting thО battОrв cablО аill not НО-
Redialing l
MUTE function lОtО inПormation rОgistОrОН in thО phonО book.
You can rОНial thО last numbОr callОН, basОН on thО
historв oП НialОН calls in thО pairОН cОllular phonО.
At anв timО Нuring a call, вou can mutО thО vОhiclО
UsО thО Пolloаing procОНurО to rОНial. Vehicle phone book
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
PrОssing thО SPEECH button anН thОn saвing
This phonО book is usОН аhОn making calls аith
2. Saв “RОНial.”
“MutО” Нuring a call аill turn ON thО MUTE Пunc-
thО voicО rОcognition Пunction.
tion anН mutО thО microphonО.
Up to 32 namОs can bО rОgistОrОН in thО vОhiclО
SEND function
Saвing “MutО oПП” in thО samО аaв аill turn oПП
phonО book pОr languagО.
thО MUTE Пunction anН cancОl thО mutО on thО mi-
Also, Оach Оntrв has 4 locations associatОН аith:
During a call, prОss thО SPEECH button to ОntОr
homО, аork, mobilО anН othОr. You can rОgistОr
voicО rОcognition moНО, thОn saв “
onО tОlОphonО numbОr Пor Оach location.
SEND” to gОnОratО DTMF tonОs.
You can rОgistОr a НОsirОН namО as a namО Пor anв
phonО book Оntrв rОgistОrОН in thО vОhiclО phonО
5-60 OCRE12E1

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year of production from: 2006

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Mitsubishi L200 IV manual
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