owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Features of your vehicle
▼Temperature control(Automatic) ✽✽ NOTICE Air ventilation seat (if equipped)
With the seat warmer switch in the
The seat warmer starts to automati-
ON position, the heating system in
cally control the seat temperature in
the seat turns off or on automatically
order to prevent low-temperature
depending on the seat temperature.
burns after being manually turned
WARNING- Seat warmer
OFF→HIGH( )→MIDDLE( )→ LOW( ) burns
→ → The seat warmer may cause
30min 60min burns, even at low tempera-
tures, if used over a long period
You may manually push up the but-
ton to increase the seat temperature.of time. Never allow passengers OCK047439N
However, it soon returns to the auto- who may not be able to take
The temperature setting of the seat
matic mode again. care of themselves to be
changes according to the switch
exposed to the risk of seat
• When pushing up the switch for position.
heater burns.These include:
more than 1.5 seconds with the
1. Infants, children, elderly or • If you want to ventilate your seat
seat warmer operating, the seat cushion, push down the switch
warmer will turn OFF. disabled persons, or hospital (blue color).
• The seat warmer defaults to the • Each time you push down the but-
OFF position whenever the Engine 2. Persons with sensitive skin
Start/Stop button is in the ON posi-or those that burn easily ton, the airflow will change as fol-
tion. 3. Fatigued individuals lows:
4. Intoxicated individuals OFF→HIGH( )→MIDDLE( )→ LOW()
5. Individuals taking medication →
that can cause drowsiness or
sleepiness (sleeping pills,
cold tablets, etc.)
4 154
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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