owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Features of your vehicle
Climate control air filter ✽✽ NOTICE Checking the amount of air
(if equipped) conditioner refrigerant and
• Replace the filter every 15,000
miles or once a year. compressor lubricant
If the vehicle is being driven in
Outside air When the amount of refrigerant is
severe conditions such as dusty or
low, the performance of the air condi-
rough roads, more frequent air
Recirculated conditioner filter inspections and tioning is reduced. Overfilling also
air changes are required. has a negative impact on the air con-
ditioning system.
• When the air flow rate suddenly
Therefore, if abnormal operation is
decreases, the system should be
found, have the system inspected by
checked at an authorized Kia
Blower dealer. an authorized Kia dealer.
Climate controlEvaporatorHeater core
air filter core 1LDA5047
The climate control air filter installed
behind the glove box filters the dust or
other pollutants that come into the
vehicle from the outside through the
heating and air conditioning system. If
dust or other pollutants accumulate in
the filter over a period of time, the air
flow from the air vents may decrease,
resulting in moisture accumulation on
the inside of the windshield even
when the outside (fresh) air position is
selected. If this happens, have the cli-
mate control air filter replaced by an
authorized Kia dealer.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
pages 228 - 234
KIA Stinger owners manual
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