owners manual Lancia Lybra
owners manual Lancia Lybra - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Lancia Lybra owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Lancia Lybra, year of production 1999 - 2005:
LIGHT (fig. 4) NAVIGATION SYSTEM (fig. 6-7)
REAR SPEAKERS (fig. 5) (where fitted)
The ceiling light will come on when The rear speakers A are housed in The CD player A and the CD-ROM
the switch A is in position 0 and the the side boot shelves. drive B for the Lancia ICS with nav-
tailgate is opened. igation system are housed in a com-
The ceiling light will come on re-
AERIAL partment on the left-hand side of the
gardless of the doors and tailgate when The aerial is located on the car roof. boot under flap C.
the switch is in central position 1. Pull handle Dto remove the clipped
The ceiling light will be off regard- Remember to remove the aerial from on flap. To refit, insert the lower part
less of the doors and tailgate when the the roof before washing the car in an first and then clip the flap back.
switch is moved to the left (position 2). automatic car wash to prevent dam-
aging it. Compartment Efor storing the CDs
IMPORTANTMake sure that the can be found over the compartment.
switch is not in position 1when leav-
ing the car. The ceiling light will go
out automatically after approximately
15 minutes if the tailgate is left open
with the switch in position 0.
P4T0180 P4T0181 P4T0182
fig. 4 fig. 5 fig. 6
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year of production from: 1999
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Lancia Lybra owners manual
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Lancia Lybra owners manual
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