owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Honda CR V II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 2001 - 2007:
Exhaust EmissionsControls PGM-FISystem Replacement Parts
Theexhaust emissions controls ThePGM-FISystemusessequential Theemissionscontrolsystemsare
include three systems: PGM-FI, multiport fuel injection. designed and certified to work to-
Ignition Timing Control, and Three It has three subsystems: Air Intake, gether in reducing emissions to
WayCatalyticConverter.These Engine Control, and Fuel Control. levels that comply with the Clean Air
threesystemsworktogetherto TheEngineControlModule(ECM) Act. To make sure the emissions
control the engine’s combustion and or the Powertrain Control Module remainlow, you should use only new
minimize the amount of HC, CO, and (PCM)usesvarioussensorsto Hondareplacementpartsortheir
NOxthatcomesoutthetailpipe.The determine how muchair is going equivalent for repairs. Using lower
exhaust emissions control systems into the engine. It then controls how qualitypartsmayincreasethe
are separate from the crankcase and muchfueltoinject under all operat- emissions from your vehicle.
evaporative emissions control ing conditions.
systems. Theemissionscontrolsystemsare
Ignition Timing Control System coveredbywarrantiesseparatefrom
This system constantly adjusts the the rest of your vehicle. Read your
ignition timing, reducing the amount warrantymanualformoreinforma-
of HC, CO, and NOx produced. tion.
Thethreewaycatalyticconverter is
in the exhaust system. Through
chemicalreactions, it converts HC,
to carbon dioxide (CO ), dinitrogen
232 TechnicalInformation

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year of production from: 2001

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Honda CR V II 2 owners manual
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