owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Honda CR V II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 2001 - 2007:
Theburningof gasoline in your TheCleanAirAct fromthecrankcasebacktothe
vehicle’s engine produces several by- TheUnitedStatesCleanAirAct intake manifold. They are then
products. Some of these are carbon sets standards for automobile drawnintotheengineandburned.
monoxide(CO),oxidesof nitrogen emissions. It also requires that
(NOx)andhydrocarbons(HC). automobilemanufacturersexplainto EvaporativeEmissionsControl
Gasoline evaporating from the tank ownershowtheiremissionscontrols System
also produces hydrocarbons. Con- workandwhattodotomaintain Asgasoline evaporates in the fuel
trolling the production of NOx, CO, them.Thissectionsummarizeshow tank, an evaporative emissions
andHCisimportanttotheenviron- the emissions controls work. control canister filled with charcoal
ment. Under certain conditions of Scheduledmaintenance is on page adsorbsthevapor.It is stored in this
sunlight and climate, NOx and HC 168. canister while the engine is off. After
react to form photochemical ‘‘smog.’’ the engine is started and warmed up,
Carbonmonoxidedoesnot contri- ˎ In Canada, Honda vehicles comply the vapor is drawn into the engine
bute to smog creation, but it is a withtheCanadianMotorVehicle andburnedduringdriving.
poisonous gas. Safety Standards (CMVSS) for
Emissions valid at the time they are OnboardRefuelingVapor
manufactured. Recovery
CrankcaseEmissionsControl Recovery(ORVR)systemcaptures
System the fuel vapors during refueling. The
YourvehiclehasaPositive vaporsareadsorbedinacanister
CrankcaseVentilation System. This filled with activated carbon. While
keepsgassesthat build up in the driving, the fuel vapors are drawn
engine’s crankcase from going into into the engine and burned off.
the atmosphere. The Positive Crank-
caseVentilation valve routes them
TechnicalInformation 231

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year of production from: 2001

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Honda CR V II 2 owners manual
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