owners manual Nissan 370Z
owners manual Nissan 370Z - year of production: 2009 - Nissan 370Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 370Z, year of production 2009:
Black plate (230,1)
the U.S. and other countries. Compatibility
The following models are available:
CAUTION . Fifth generation iPod (version 1.2.3 or
. Depending on size and shape of . iPod Classic® (version 1.1.1 or later)
iPod® and iPod® cable, the console . First generation iPod touch® (version 2.0.0
lid may not fully close. Do not force or later)
console lid closed as this may ®
® ® . Second generation iPod touch (version
damage iPod and iPod cable. 1.2.3 or later)
. Do not force the iPod® cable into . First generation iPod nano® (version 1.3.1 or
the USB port. Inserting the iPod® later)
cabletiltedorup-side-downintothe ®
® . Second generation iPod nano (version
SAA2512 port may damage the iPod cable 1.1.3 or later)
® and the port. Make sure that the . Third generation iPod nano® (version 1.1 or
iPod PLAYER OPERATION (models iPod® cable is connected correctly
with navigation system) ® later)
GUID-BA3C26EF-D1A5-4DE3-B711-8CDC6D25607E into the USB port. (Some iPod . Fourth generation iPod nano® (version 1.0.2
Connecting iPod® cable come with a mark as a
GUID-47CAE78B-E14F-4989-871C-0FCFAB41BE83guide. Make sure that the mark is or later)
Open the console lid and connect the iPod® Make sure that the iPod® version is updated.
cable to the USB connector. If compatible, the facing the correct direction before
inserting the iPod® cable.)
battery of the iPod is charged while the ®
connection to the vehicle. . DonotlocateobjectsneartheiPod
Depending on the version of the iPod®, the cable to prevent the objects from
leaning on the iPod® cable and the
display on the iPod shows a NISSAN or port. Pressure from the objects may
Accessory Attached screen when the connec- damage the iPod® cable and the
tion is completed. When the iPod® is connected
to the vehicle, the iPod® music library can only port.
be operated by the vehicle audio controls.
* iPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
4-70 Center display, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
[ Edit: 2012/ 4/ 11Model: Z34-D ]
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Nissan 370Z owners manual
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