owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2010:
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The speed limiter operating condition is shown on theVehicle information display: . Push, then quickly release the RES/+ or SET/−
vehicle information display and instrument panel. GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bswitch. Each time you do this, the set speed will
1. LIMIT indicator
Vehicle information display: 2. SET indicator light increase or decrease by approximately 1 km/h or 1
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B3.Set speed indicator MPH.
1. LIMIT indicator
2. Set speed indicator When the vehicle speed exceeds the set speed limit,Resuming preset speed limit:
When the vehicle speed exceeds the set speed limit,the set speed indicator blinks and the acceleratorPush the RES/+ switch. The SET indicator (light)
the set speed indicator blinks and the acceleratorpedal operation will not work until the vehicle speedilluminates, and the speed limiter will resume the last
pedal operation will not work until the vehicle speedslows down to the set speed limit. set speed limit. If the vehicle is driven at a speed over
slows down to the set speed limit. Instrument panel: the last set speed limit, the set speed indicator will
Instrument panel: 4. Speed limiter indicator light
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B Canceling speed limit
3. Speed limiter indicator light The speed limiter will not automatically brake GUID-F503ED75-E45E-411A-BCD7-E621DB8FF464
4. SET indicator light the vehicle to the set speed limit. To cancel the speed limiter, push the CANCEL switch.
The speed limiter will not automatically brake Turning on speed limiter The SET indicator (light) will turn off. (The set speed
the vehicle to the set speed limit. GUID-407B9770-D025-46F8-A1E6-B9F40D9E1DE2indicator will remain on the display.)
Push the speed limiter MAIN switch. The speed limiterIf the accelerator pedal is fully depressed (beyond the
Speed limiter display and indicators (Type C indicator (light) and the LIMIT indicators illuminate. Theresistance point), the speed limiter is temporarily
model) set speed indicator shows “- - -”. suspended and the vehicle speed may be controlled
Setting speed limit above the set speed. (For Continuously Variable
GUID-C925D9B5-EDE5-41B2-83B9-C278ED3FDECFTransmission model: The transmission may downshift
1. Push the SET/− switch. into a lower gear). The SET indicator (light) will remain
. Whenthevehicle is stopped, the speed will beon the instrument panel (for Type B model) or vehicle
set at 30 km/h or 20 MPH. information display (for Type C model).
. While driving, the speed limit will be set at theIf the accelerator pedal returns to the resistance point
current speed. and the vehicle speed returns to the set speed, the
2. When the speed limit is set, the SET (indicatorspeed limiter will activate and limit vehicle speed.
light) and the set speed indicators illuminate onWhenoneofthefollowingoperationsisperformed,the
the vehicle information display and instrumentspeed limiter will be canceled. The speed limiter
JVS0025X panel (for Type B model). indicator light, and the SET indicator (light) and the
Changing set speed limit: LIMIT indicator will turn off. These canceling methods
The speed limiter operating condition is shown on the GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bwill erase the set speed limit memory.
vehicle information display and instrument panel. Use either of the following operations to change the
speed limit. . Push the speed limiter MAIN switch.
. Push and hold the RES/+ or SET/− switch. The . Push the cruise control MAIN switch.
set speed will increase or decrease by approxi-
mately 10 km/h or 10 MPH.
Starting and driving 5-29
Condition: [ Edit: 2013/ 2/ 25Model: K13-A ]

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year of production from: 2010

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