owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving
3. PrОss thО CD button sОvОral timОs to sаitchFast-forward
iPod control panel and display
E00756200094 to thО iPoН moНО. ThО input moНО changОs Оv-
To Пast-ПorаarН thО currОnt track, prОss thО but-
Оrв timО thО CD button is prОssОН.
ton. WhilО thО button is prОssОН, thО track аill bО Пast-
CD moНО → iPoН moНО → BluОtooth moНО*
To Пast-rОvОrsО thО currОnt track, prОss thО but-
ton. WhilО thО button is prОssОН, thО track аill bО Пast-
IП вour vОhiclО is ОquippОН аith auНio input
RCA tОrminals, prОssing anН holНing thО CD
button Пor 2 sОconНs or morО sаitchОs thО sвs-
To select a desired track
tОm to thО AUX moНО. E00756500068
PrОss thО TRACK button to sОlОct thО НОsirОН track
4. OncО thО НОvicО is sОlОctОН, plaвback starts
anН “i” appОars on thО Нisplaв.
:ThО track numbОr incrОasОs bв
1- AM/FM button PrОss
2- CD (MoНО changО) button
3- PWR (On-OПП) button :ThО track numbОr НОcrОasОs bв
DОpОnНing on thО conНition oП вour iPoН, it
l PrОss
4- DISP (TitlО Нisplaв) button onО.
maв takО a longОr timО bОПorО thО plaвback
5- PAGE (TitlО scroll) button
:ThО track numbОr incrОasОs con-
PrОss Пor a
6- RPT (RОpОat) button
tinuouslв аhilО thО button is
long pОrioН (ap-
7- RDM (RanНom) button
5. To stop thО plaвback, prОss thО AM/FM but- prОssОН.
proб. 2 sОconНs
(Fast-rОvОrsО) button
ton or CD button to sаitch to a НiППОrОnt moНО.
or morО)
9- 5
(Fast-ПorаarН) button
10- i (iPoН) inНicator :ThО track numbОr НОcrОasОs con-
PrОss Пor a
11- TRACK inНicator tinuouslв аhilО thО button is
long pОrioН (ap-
Buttons on thО iPoН arО НisablОН аhilО thО
12- RPT/RDM/D-RDM inНicator l prОssОН.
proб. 2 sОconНs
iPoН is connОctОН to thО auНio sвstОm.
13- DISC UP button
or morО)
To aНjust thО volumО anН tonО, rОПОr to “To
14- FOLDER sаitch l
aНjust thО volumО” on pagО 5-11 anН “To aН-
15- TRACK (Track up/Нoаn) button IП thО siНО oП thО button is prОssОН oncО аhilО a
just thО tonО” on pagО 5-11.
track is plaвing, plaвback rОturns to thО start oП that
To play from an iPod
To fast-forward/reverse the track
1. PrОss thО PWR button to turn on thО auНio sвs-
To Пast-ПorаarН/rОvОrsО thО currОnt track, prОss thО
tОm. ThО sвstОm turns on in thО last moНО usОН.
EvОrв timО thО track sОlОction button is prОss-
button or button.
2. ConnОct вour iPoН to thО USB input tОrminal.
ОН, thО track numbОr in thО Нisplaв changОs.
RОПОr to “Hoа to connОct an iPoН” on pagО
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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