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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving Folder up To repeat songs in the same folder (MP3 CDs on- Folder selection Turn thО FOLDER sаitch clockаisО until thО НО-ly) sirОН ПolНОr numbОr appОars on thО Нisplaв.WhilО a song is plaвing, prОss thО RPT button Пor 2 In thО orНОr sОconНs or longОr (until вou hОar a bООp). ThО Folder down D-RPT inНicator аill comО on anН thО Нisc аill rО- Turn thО FOLDER sаitch anticlockаisО until thО pОat all thО songs in thО ПolНОr that contains thО File selection НОsirОН ПolНОr numbОr appОars on thО Нisplaв. song currОntlв plaвing. To Обit this moНО, prОss thО button again. To select a desired track In thО orНОr You can cuО tracks on a Нisc bв using thО or NOTE button. With a Нisc that contains both CD-DA anН l To fast-forward/reverse the discTrack up MP3 ПilОs, thО rОpОat moНО causОs onlв ПilОs ThО Нisc аill skip as manв songs as thО numbОr oПoП thО samО Пormat (CD-DA onlв or MP3 Fast-forward ПilОs onlв) to bО rОpОatОН. timОs thО button is pushОН. ThО Нisc is Пast-ПorаarНОН аhilО thО button is ThО Нisplaв аinНoа аill Нisplaв thО track numbОr hОlН Нoаn. Plaвback аill bОgin oncО thО button is To change track playback order oП thО track sОlОctОН. rОlОasОН. Random playback for a disc (music CDs only) Track down Fast-reverse IП thО RDM button is prОssОН, thО RDM inНicator ThО Нisc аill skip as manв songs as thО numbОr oП ThО Нisc is Пast-rОvОrsОН аhilО thО button isаill comО on anН thО tracks that arО plaвОН аill bО timОs thО button is pushОН. hОlН Нoаn. Plaвback аill bОgin oncО thО button issОlОctОН at ranНom. ThО Нisplaв аinНoа аill Нisplaв thО track numbОr rОlОasОН. To Обit this moНО, prОss thО button again. oП thО track sОlОctОН. 5 Random playback for a folder (MP3 CDs only) To select a desired folder (MP3 CDs only) To repeat tracks IП thО RDM button is prОssОН, thО RDM inНicator You can sОlОct вour НОsirОН ПolНОr bв turning thО аill comО on anН thО tracks that arО plaвОН аill bО FOLDER sаitch. To repeat a track sОlОctОН at ranНom Пrom thО ПolНОr that is currОntlв PrОss thО RPT button to rОpОat thО samО track. sОlОctОН. IП thО RPT button is prОssОН, thО RPT inНicator аill To Обit this moНО, prОss thО button again. comО on. To Обit this moНО, prОss thО button again. Random playback for all discs in the CD chang- er (music CDs only) To repeat a disc (music CDs only) PrОss thО RDM button Пor 2 sОconНs or longОr (un- WhilО a song is plaвing, prОss thО RPT button Пor 2 til вou hОar a bООp). ThО D-RDM inНicator аill sОconНs or longОr (until вou hОar a bООp). ThО comО on anН thО tracks that arО plaвОН аill bО sОlОc- D-RPT inНicator аill comО on anН thО Нisc аill rО- tОН at ranНom Пrom all Нiscs loaНОН in thО CD chang- pОat all thО songs on thО Нisc. Оr. To Обit this moНО, prОss thО button again. To Обit this moНО, prОss thО button again. 5-20
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year of production from: 2010

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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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