owners manual Chevrolet Captiva
owners manual Chevrolet Captiva - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Chevrolet Captiva owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Captiva, year of production 2006 - 2015:
Chevrolet Captiva Sport Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Mexico-Black plate (37,1)
6014141) - 2014 - crc - 8/13/13
Driving and Operating 9-37
the underhood emission controlrecommended.Costly repairsAll other vehicles should use only
label. If this fuel is not available incaused by use of improper fuelthe unleaded gasoline as described
states adopting California Emissions would not be covered by the vehiclein RecommendedFuel on
Standards, the vehicle will operatewarranty. page 9-36.
satisfactorily on fuels meeting The use of E85 or FlexFuel is
federal specifications, but emission Fuel Additives encouraged when the vehicle is
control system performance mightTo keep fuel systems clean, TOPdesigned to use it. E85 or FlexFuel
be affected. The malfunctionTIER Detergent Gasoline isis made from renewable sources.
indicator lamp could turn on and therecommended.SeeFuel on
vehicle may not pass a smog-check To help locate fuel stations that
test. SeeMalfunction Indicatorpage 9-35. carry E85 or FlexFuel, the U.S.
Lamponpage5-14.Ifthis occurs,If TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline isDepartment of Energy has an
return to your authorized dealer fornot available, one bottle of Fuelalternative fuel website. See
diagnosis. If it is determined that the System Treatment PLUS, partwww.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/locator/
condition is caused by the type ofnumber 88861013, added to the fuel stations.
fuel used, repairs may not betank at every engine oil change, canE85orFlexFuel should meet ASTM
covered by the vehicle warranty.help. Fuel System Treatment PLUSSpecification D5798 or CAN/
is the only gasoline additiveCGSB–3.512inCanada.Donotuse
Fuels in Foreign recommendedbyGeneralMotors.the fuel if the ethanol content is
Countries It is available at your dealer.greater than 85%. Fuel mixtures that
If planning to drive in countriesDonotuseadditives with E85 ordo not meet ASTM or CGSB
outside the U.S. or Canada, theFlexFuel. specifications can affect driveability
proper fuel might be hard to find. and could cause the malfunction
Check regional auto club or fuelE85 or FlexFuel indicator lamp to come on.
retail brand websites for availabilityVehicles with a yellow fuel cap can
in the country where driving. Neveruse either unleaded gasoline or fuel
use leaded gasoline, fuel containing containing up to 85% ethanol (E85).
methanol, or any other fuel not

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year of production from: 2006

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Chevrolet Captiva owners manual
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