owners manual Chevrolet Captiva
owners manual Chevrolet Captiva - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Chevrolet Captiva owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Captiva, year of production 2006 - 2015:
Chevrolet Captiva Sport Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Mexico-Black plate (27,1)
6014141) - 2014 - crc - 8/13/13
Driving and Operating 9-27
If the EPB is applied while theon the EPB switch and hold it in theIf the parking brake warning light is
vehicle is in motion, a chime willup position. Full application of theon, the EPB has detected an error
sound, and the DIC messageparking brake by the EPB systemin another system and is operating
RELEASEPARKBRAKESWITCH maytakealonger period of timewith reduced functionality. To
will be displayed. The vehicle willthan normal when this light is on.release the EPB when this light is
decelerate as long as the switch isContinue to hold the switch until theon, push down on the EPB switch
held in the up position. Releasingparking brake status light remainsand hold it in the down position.
the EPB switch during decelerationon. If the parking brake warning lightEPBrelease may take a longer
will release the parking brake. If theis on, see your dealer.period of time than normal when this
switch is held in the up position untilIf the EPB fails to apply, the rearlight is on. Continue to hold the
the vehicle comes to a stop, thewheels should be blocked toswitch until the parking brake status
EPBwill remain applied. prevent vehicle movement. light is off. If the light is on, see your
If the parking brake status light dealer.
flashes continuously, the EPB isEPBRelease
only partially applied or released,To release the EPB, place the{Caution
or there is a problem with the EPB.ignition in the ACC/ACCESSORYorDriving with the parking brake on
The DIC message SERVICE ON/RUNposition, apply and holdcan overheat the brake system
PARKINGBRAKEwillbedisplayed. thebrakepedal, and push down
If this light flashes continuously,momentarily on the EPB switch.and cause premature wear or
release the EPB, and attempt toIf you attempt to release the EPBdamagetobrakesystemparts.
apply it again. If this light continueswithout the brake pedal applied, aMakesurethat the parking brake
to flash, do not drive the vehicle.chime will sound, and the DICis fully released and the brake
Seeyour dealer. messageSTEPONBRAKETO warning light is off before driving.
If the parking brake warning light isRELEASEPARKBRAKEwillbe
on, the EPB has detected an errordisplayed. The EPB is released
in another system and is operatingwhenthe parking brake status light
with reduced functionality. To applyis off.
the EPB when this light is on, lift up

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year of production from: 2006

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Chevrolet Captiva owners manual
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