owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
●in the case of special constructions to theIn addition to the acoustic alarm, if the vehi-
side of the vehicle, e.g., high or irregular di-cle is equipped with the park assist system,
The smart technology incorporated into the
viders. the driver is also informed by means of a vis-
rear cross traffic alert cannot overcome the
ual signal on the radio screen. This signal is
limits imposed by the laws of physics; it only
displayed in the form of a red strip at the
works within the limits of the system. The
back of the image of the vehicle on the radio
Parking assistant (RCTA)
parking assistant function should not tempt
screen. This strip displays the side of the ve-
you into taking any risks. The system is not a
hicle towards which traffic is approaching.
replacement for driver awareness.
● The system should never be used in limited
Automatic braking to reduce damages
ibility conditions or complicated traffic,
e.g., in high-traffic areas or when crossing
If the rear cross traffic alert detects that
multiple lanes.
someone else on the road is approaching the
rear of the vehicle and the driver does not● Be sure to always be aware of the vehicle's
step on the brake, the system will engage thesurroundings, since the system often fails to
detect things such as bicycles or pedestrians.
brakes automatically.
● The rear cross traffic alert itself will not
The parking system helps the driver by auto-
brake the vehicle to a complete stop.
matically engaging the brakes to reduce any
damage. The system will brake automatically
if the vehicle is reversing at a speed of ap-
Fig. 205 Schematic representation of the rear
proximately 1-12 km (1-7 mph). Once it hasUsing the blind spot detector (BSD)
cross traffic alert: zone monitored around the
detected that the vehicle has stopped, thewith parking assistant (RCTA)
vehicle exiting the parking space.
system will keep the vehicle stopped for ap-
prox. 2 seconds. Activating and deactivating the blind spot
The parking assistant uses the radar sensors
detector (BSD) with parking assistant (RCTA)
on the rear bumper ››› Fig. 202 to monitor the
After automatically braking to reduce dam-
traffic crossing behind the vehicle as it backs
The blind spot detector with parking assis-
age, the system will not be able to automati-
out of a parallel parking space or as it is be-
tant can be switched on and off by accessing
cally brake again for approximately 10 sec-
ing manoeuvred, for example in very low visi-
the Assistance systems menu on the
bility conditions.
dash panel display using the steering wheel
You can interrupt the automatic braking by
controls. If the vehicle is equipped with a
If the system detects that someone else on
stepping hard on the accelerator pedal or the
multifunction camera, it can also be ac-
the road is approaching the rear of the vehi-
brake pedal in order to regain control of the
cessed by means of the driver assistance sys-
cle ››› Fig. 205, an acoustic alarm is heard.
tems key located on the main beam head-
light lever.
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year of production from: 2017
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