owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
4-10 Climatecontrol/Air filtration system
allow outside air to circulate into the any problem with the air conditioningAir filtration system (if
heated interior. This results in quickersystem.equipped)
cooling by the air conditioner. Keep the
windows closed during the operation of&Air conditioner compressor
the air conditioner for maximum coolingshut-off when engine isYour vehicle’s air conditioning system is
efficiency. heavily loaded equipped with an air filtration system.
Replace the air filter element according
&Lubrication oil circulation inTo improve acceleration and gas mileage,to the replacement schedule shown in the
the refrigerant circuitthe air conditioner compressor is designedfollowing table. This schedule should be
to temporarily shut off during air condi-followed to maintain the filter’sdust
Operate the air conditioner compressor attioner operation whenever the acceleratorcollection ability. Under extremely dusty
a low engine speed (at idle or low drivingis fully depressed such as during rapidconditions, the filter should be replaced
speeds) a few minutes each month duringacceleration or when driving on a steepmore frequently. Have your filter checked
the off-season to circulate its oil.upgrade. or replaced by your SUBARU dealer. For
replacement, use only a genuine
&Checking air conditioning&Refrigerant for your climateSUBARUairfilter kit. For the replacement
system before summer sea-control system schedule, refer to the “Warranty and
son Your air conditioner uses ozone friendlyMaintenance Booklet”.
Check the air conditioner unit for refriger-refrigerant HFC134a. Therefore, the meth-CAUTION
ant leaks, hose conditions, and properod of adding, changing or checking the
operation each spring. Have the air con-refrigerant is different from the method forContact your SUBARU dealer if the
CFC12 (freon). Consult your SUBARU
ditioning system checked by your following occurs, even if it is not yet
SUBARUdealer. dealer for service. Repairs needed as atime to change the filter.
result of using the wrong refrigerant are. Reduction of the airflow through
&Coolinganddehumidifyinginnot covered under warranty.the vents.
high humidity and low tem-
perature weather condition . Windshield gets easily fogged or
Under certain weather conditions (high
relative humidity, low temperatures, etc.) a
small amount of water vapor emission NOTE
from the air outlets may be noticed. This The filter can influence the air condi-
condition is normal and does not indicate tioning, heating and defroster perfor-
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Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual
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