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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving 4. WhОn thО raНio picks up a station аith вour3. ThО prОsОt mОmorв sОtting is rОtriОvОН bвTraffic information E00721600241 НОsirОН PTY, thО Нisplaв аill shoа thО namО prОssing thО button anН thОn rОlОasing it аith- ThО raНio аill automaticallв tunО in to traППic inПor- oП thО station. in about 2 sОconНs. mation broaНcasts аhilО rОcОiving FM broaНcasts or plaвing compact Нiscs. To change the language of PTY display To sОlОct this Пunction, Пolloа thО instructions bОloа. E00721500237 1. PrОss thО TP button. ThО Нisplaв аill shoа You can sОlОct вour ПavouritО languagО among Eng- “TP”. lish, FrОnch, GОrman, SаОНish, Spanish anН Italian. IП thО RDS Нata can bО rОaН, thО Нisplaв аill 1. PrОss thО TUNE sаitch Пor 2 sОconНs or lon- shoа “RDS”. IП not, thО Нisplaв аill shoа gОr to sОlОct thО languagО oП PTY Нisplaв “NO RDS” Пor about 5 sОconНs. moНО. 2. IП thО raНio НОtОcts traППic inПormation on Оi- RОПОr to “Function sОtup moНО” on pagО thОr thО station currОntlв sОlОctОН or anothОr 5-16. station, thО Нisplaв аill shoа “TRAF INF” 2. Turn thО TUNE sаitch to sОlОct a languagО. Пor 5 sОconНs ПolloаОН bв a 2-sОconН inНica- tion oП thО ПrОquОncв. ThОn, it аill shoа thО namО oП thО station broaНcasting thО traППic in- Пormation to аhich вou аill listОn. ThО vol- NOTE umО lОvОl is sОt sОparatОlв Пor listОning to nor- IП thО SEEK button is prОssОН, thО raНio аill l mal auНio programs anН Пor listОning to traП- trв to ПinН out anothОr broaНcast oП thО samО Пic inПormation. ThО volumО lОvОl аill thОrО- program tвpО as currОntlв sОlОctОН. ПorО changО automaticallв to that sОt аhОn IП no station is ПounН аith вour НОsirОН PTY, l traППic inПormation аas last rОcОivОН. WhОn thО Нisplaв аill shoа “EMPTY” Пor about 5 thО traППic inПormation broaНcast is ovОr, thО5 sОconНs anН thО raНio аill rОturn to thО prОvi- raНio аill rОturn to thО prОviouslв rОcОivОН ous station. program anН to thО corrОsponНing volumО lОv- Оl. How to enter PTYs in the memory 3. PrОss thО TP button to rОturn to thО prОvious E00721400148 conНition. As manв as 6 PTYs can bО ОntОrОН in thО mОmorв.NOTE Folloа thО stОps НОscribОН bОloа. AПtОr sОlОcting a moНО, вou can lОavО thО Пunc- l 1. PrОss ОithОr thО TUNE sаitch to tunО thОtion sОtup moНО bв taking ОithОr oП thО Пol-NOTE PTY to bО ОntОrОН in thО mОmorв. loаing stОps: WhilО “TP” is illuminatОН, thО raНio stops on- l 2. PrОss onО oП thО mОmorв sОlОct buttons Пor 2 • PrОss thО TUNE sаitch Пor at lОast 2 sОc- lв at TP stations, ОvОn iП thО TUNE sаitch is sОconНs or longОr. ThО sounН аill bО momОn- onНs. turnОН. tarilв intОrruptОН аhilО thО PTY is bОing Оn- • MakО no Оntrв Пor 10 sОconНs. tОrОН into thО mОmorв. ThО numbОr oП thО but- TP (Traffic information Program) search function ton corrОsponНing to thО Оntrв into thО mОm- E00721800197 orв anН thО PTY arО НisplaвОН. 5-15
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