owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving
RDS usОs PI (program iНОntiПication) signal anНRОgional programming anН rОgional nОtаorks arО 1. NEWS
AF (altОrnativО ПrОquОncв) list transmittОН in aННi-organizОН НiППОrОntlв НОpОnНing on thО countrв or2. AFFAIRS (CurrОnt aППairs)
tion to thО normal FM broaНcasting programs, anНarОa (thОв maв bО changОН accorНing to thО hour, 3. INFO (InПormation)
picks up thО FM stations that arО transmitting thОstatО, or broaНcast arОa), so iП вou Нon’t аant to rО-4. SPORT
samО program Пrom thО AF list anН automaticallв cОivО thО rОgional programs automaticallв, вou can5. EDUCATE (EНucation)
tunОs to thО station аith thО strongОst signal intОnsi-sОt up REG ON not to rОcОivО rОgional programs.6. DRAMA
tв. 7. CULTURE
ThОrОПorО, вou can continuО listОning to onО pro-ThО REG Пunction can bО turnОН ON anН OFF. 8. SCIENCE
gram in, Пor ОбamplО, a long НistancО Нriving аith-RОПОr to “Function sОtup moНО” on pagО 5-16. 9. VARIED
out rОtuning to thО othОr station transmitting thО 10. POP M (Pop music)
PI (Program Identification) search function
samО program аhОn вou arО lОaving thО sОrvicО 11. ROCK M (Rock music)
arОa oП thО currОntlв rОcОiving station. 12. EASY M (Easв music)
WhОn travОlling long НistancО anН thО rОcallОН prО-
ThО RDS raНio also ПОaturОs thО limitОН rОcОption 13. LIGHT M (Light classics)
sОt station is аОak, thО raНio sОarchОs anothОr ПrО-
oП thО program tвpОs, thО brОak-in rОcОption oП thО 14. CLASSICS
quОncв broaНcasting thО samО programming аith
traППic announcОmОnt to thО EON (ОnhancОН othОr 15. OTHER M (OthОr music)
thО samО PI coНО in AF list.
nОtаork) anН ОmОrgОncв broaНcast, anН thО limitОН/ 16. WEATHER (WОathОr inПormation)
IП thОrО arО no ПrОquОnciОs broaНcasting thО samО
unlimitОН rОcОption oП thО rОgional programs. 17. FINANCE
programming, thО raНio sОarchОs a ПrОquОncв broaН-
casting thО rОgional programming. ThО raНio suc-
AF (Alternative Frequencies) function
E00720900162cООНs in sОarching thО rОgional programming, thОn
ThО AF Пunction ПinНs a station broaНcasting thОthО Нisplaв shoаs thО REG inНicator.
samО program anН sОlОcts thО station аith thО stron-IП thО raНio НoОs not succООН in sОarching thО rО-
gОst signal oП AF lists. gional programming, thО raНio rОturns to thО rОcal-
ThО AF Пunction is turnОН on at all timОs unlОsslОН prОsОt station.
24. JAZZ
вou manuallв sаitch it oПП.
ThО PI Пunction can bО turnОН ON anН OFF on
26. NATION M (National music)
ThО AF Пunction can bО turnОН ON anН OFF. somО vОhiclОs.
RОПОr to “Function sОtup moНО” on pagО 5-16. RОПОr to “Function sОtup moНО” on pagО 5-16.
28. FOLK M (Folk music)
CT (Clock Time) function 29. DOCUMENT
ThО clock can bО sОt automaticallв bв using thО sig- WhilО sОarching, thО auНio sвstОm is mutОН.
To sОarch Пor a broaНcast oП НОsirОН program tвpО:
nal Пrom thО local RDS stations. RОПОr to “Digital ThО Нisplaв shoаs “WAIT” or “SEARCH”.
1. PrОss thО PTY button.
clock” on pagО 5-39.
2. PrОss thО TUNE sаitch or prОss a mОmorв sО-
PTY (Program type)
lОct button to sОlОct вour НОsirОН PTY.
REG (Regional) function
3. Tаo sОconНs aПtОr a НОsirОН PTY has bООn sО-
RDS broaНcasts arО classiПiОН accorНing to pro-
REG Пunction limits to rОcОivО thО stations broaН-
lОctОН, thО raНio аill bОgin to sОarch Пor a
gram tвpО (PTY) as Пolloаs. UsО thО TUNE/SEEK
casting rОgional programs.
broaНcast oП вour sОlОctОН PTY. During
button (3 or 4) to sОlОct вour НОsirОН PTY.
sОarch, thО sОlОctОН PTY on thО Нisplaв blinks.
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