owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
SYSTEMOPERATION wardcollisionormayhelpmitigatethesystem will not function when the vehicle is
The forward emergency braking system will func-consequences if a collision should one be unavoid-driven at speeds over approximately 45 MPH
tion when your vehicle is driven at speeds aboveable. (70 km/h).
approximately 5 km/h (3 MPH).If the driver is handling the steering wheel, acceler-• The radar sensor may not detect a vehicle
If a risk of a forward collision is detected, the for-ating or braking, the forward emergency brakingahead in the following conditions:
ward emergency braking system will provide thesystem will function later or will not function.– Dirt, ice, snow or other material covering
first warning to the driver by flashing the forwardThe automatic braking will cease under the follow-the radar sensor.
collision warning light (orange) and providing an au-ing conditions:– Interference by other radar sources.
dible warning. • Whenthesteeringwheelisturnedasfarasnec-
If the driver applies the brakes quickly and forcefullyessary to avoid a collision.– Snow or road spray from travelling
after the warning, and the forward emergency brak- vehicles.
ing system detects that there is still the possibility of• Whentheaccelerator pedal is depressed.– If the vehicle ahead is narrow (e.g. motor-
a forward collision, the system will automatically in-• When there is no longer a vehicle detectedcycle).
crease the braking force. ahead. – Whendriving on a steep downhill slope or
If the driver does not take action, the forward emer-Ifthe forward emergency braking system hasroads with sharp curves.
gency braking system issues the second visualstopped the vehicle, the vehicle will remain at a– Whentowingatrailer.
warning (red) and audible warning. If the driver re-standstill for approximately 2 seconds before the
leases the accelerator pedal, then the system ap-brakes are released.• Insomeroadortrafficconditions,theforward
plies partial braking emergencybrakingsystemmayunexpectedly
WARNING apply partial braking. When acceleration is
If the risk of a collision becomes imminent, the for- necessary, continue to depress the accelera-
ward emergency braking system applies harder• The radar sensor does not detect the follow-tor pedal to override the system.
braking automatically. ing objects:
– Pedestrians, animals or obstacles in the• Braking distances increase on slippery sur-
NOTE faces.
– Oncomingvehicles • Excessive noise will interfere with the warn-
is performed by the forward emergency braking ing chime sound, and the chime may not be
system. – Crossing vehicles heard.
Depending on vehicle speed and distance to the• Theradarsensorhassomeperformancelimi-• The system is designed to automatically
vehicle ahead, as well as driving and roadway con-tations. If a stationary vehicle is in the vehi-check the sensor’s functionality, within cer-
ditions, the system may help the driver avoid a for-cle’s path, the forward emergency brakingtain limitations. The system may not detect
Starting and driving5-41
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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