owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
Turning the speed limiter off The forward emergency braking system can assist
WARNING the driver when there is a risk of a forward collision
• The vehicle may accelerate when the speed The speed limiter system will be turned off when with the vehicle ahead in the travelling lane.
limiter cancels. one of the following operations is performed:
• Whenadditional floor mats are used, be sure • Push the speed limiter main “ON/OFF” switch
that they are correctly secured and that they j3 . The speed limiter symbol j4 and the set
cannot interfere with the accelerator pedal. speedvaluej5 inthevehicleinformationdisplay
Mats not adapted to the vehicle may prevent will be turned off.
proper operation of the speed limiter. • Push the cruise control main “ON/OFF” switch
Fully depress the accelerator pedal beyond the re- j2 . The speed limiter information in the vehicle
sistance point. The speed limiter will be suspended information will be replaced with the cruise con-
to allow driving above the set speed. The set speed trol information. For details see “Cruise control
valuej5 willflashandanaudiblewarningwillsound. (where fitted)” earlier in this section. NSD508
The speed limiter will automatically resume when • When the vehicle is stopped and the ignition is
the vehicle speed drops below the set speed limit. turned to the off position. The forward emergency braking system uses a ra-
Resuming a previous set speed Turning off the speed limiter will erase the set dar sensor jA located at the front of the vehicle to
speed limit memory. measure the distance to the vehicle ahead in the
If a set speedlimithasbeencancelled,thesetspeed travelling lane.
will be stored in the speed limiter memory. Speedlimiter malfunction
This speed limit can be reactivated by pressing theIf the speed limiter malfunctions, the speed limiter WARNING
RES(Resume)switch jA upwards . symbol j4 in the vehicle information display will • The forward emergency braking system is a
If the current vehicle speed is higher than the previ-flash. supplemental aid to the driver. It is not a re-
ous set speed, the accelerator pedal will not workTurn the speed limiter off by pushing the speed lim- placement for the driver’s attention to traffic
andthesetspeedvaluej5 willflashuntilthevehicle iter main “ON/OFF” switch j3 and have the system conditions or responsibility to drive safely. It
speed drops below the set speed limit. checkedbyaNISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshop. cannotpreventaccidentsduetocarelessness
or dangerous driving techniques.
When the actual vehicle speed exceeds the set • Theforwardemergencybrakingsystemdoes
speed,anaudiblewarningwillbeheardashorttime not function in all driving, traffic, weather and
after the set speed is exceeded and driver interven- road conditions.
tion is not detected.
5-40 Starting and driving
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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