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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving For vОhiclОs аith thО Auto Stop & Go ThО nОа rОПrigОrant HFC-134a in вour vОhiclО аill l Important operation tips for the (AS&G) sвstОm, iП thО moНО sОlОction Нial is not harm thО ozonО laвОr. air conditioning sОt to thО НОmistОr position shoаn in thО illus- WО rОcommОnН вou to rОcovОr anН rОcвclО thО rО- E00708300762 tration, thО Auto Stop & Go (AS&G) sвstОm ПrigОrant Пor rОusО. Park thО vОhiclО in thО shaНО. l аill not opОratО anН thО ОnginО аill not stop Parking in thО hot sun аill makО thО vОhiclО automaticallв ОvОn iП thО vОhiclО is stoppОН. During a long period of disuse insiНО ОбtrОmОlв hot, anН it аill rОquirО morО This is to ОnsurО that gooН visibilitв is main- ThО air conНitioning shoulН bО opОratОН Пor at lОast timО to cool thО intОrior. tainОН. ПivО minutОs Оach аООk, ОvОn in colН аОathОr. This IП it is nОcОssarв to park in thО sun, opОn thО is to prОvОnt thО comprОssor Пrom sОizing anН to аinНoаs Пor thО Пirst ПОа minutОs oП air con- maintain thО air conНitioning in thО bОst opОrating Introduction of outside air (Heater/Manual air Нitioning opОration to ОбpОl thО hot air. conНition. conditioning) ClosО thО аinНoаs аhОn thО air conНitioning l E00702200408 is in usО. To introНucО air into thО vОhiclО Нuring hot аОath- ThО Оntrв oП outsiНО air through opОn аin- Оr, sОt thО air sОlОction sаitch (A) to thО outsiНО po- Нoаs аill rОНucО thО cooling ОППiciОncв. sition anН sОt thО tОmpОraturО control Нial to thО po- Too much cooling is not gooН Пor thО hОalth. l sitions shoаn in thО illustration. BО surО to sОt thО KООp thО НiППОrОncО bОtаООn thО vОhiclО intО- tОmpОraturО control Нial all thО аaв to thО lОПt. SО- rior tОmpОraturО anН outsiНО tОmpОraturО to 5 lОct thО НОsirОН bloаОr spООН. to 6 °C. WhОn opОrating thО sвstОm, makО surО thО l air intakО, аhich is locatОН in Пront oП thО аinНscrООn, is ПrОО oП obstructions such as lОavОs anН snoа. LОavОs collОctОН in thО air- intakО plОnum maв rОНucО air Пloа anН plug 5 thО plОnum аatОr Нrains. Air conditioning system refrigerant and lubricant recommendations IП thО air conНitioning sООms lОss ОППОctivО than usu- al, thО causО might bО a rОПrigОrant lОak. WО rОcom- mОnН вou to havО thО sвstОm inspОctОН. ThО air conНitioning sвstОm in вour vОhiclО must bО chargОН аith thО rОПrigОrant HFC-134a anН thО NOTE lubricant SUN-PAG56. Turn thО moНО sОlОction Нial clockаisО anН l UsО oП anв othОr rОПrigОrant or lubricant аill causО air аill Пloа to thО lОg arОa anН thО аinНscrООn. sОvОrО НamagО аhich аill rОsult in thО nООН to rО- placО вour vОhiclО’s ОntirО air conНitioning sвstОm. ThО rОlОasО oП rОПrigОrant into thО atmosphОrО is not rОcommОnНОН. 5-09
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year of production from: 2010

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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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