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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving Automatic mode (Automatic air conditioning) NOTE E00764800031 CAUTION WhОn thО air conНitioning opОratОs аith thО l sОlОction sаitch in thО outsiНО position, thО When using the air conditioning, the l sвstОm automaticallв НОtОrminОs аhОthОr to idling speed may slightly increase as the continuО using outsiНО air or to pОrПorm rОcir- air conditioning compressor is switched culation. IП thО outsiНО air tОmpОraturО is on/off automatically. While the vehicle high, thО sвstОm sОlОcts rОcirculation to ach- with a CVT is stationary, fully depress iОvО rapiН cooling anН causОs thО inНication the brake pedal to prevent the vehicle lamp in thО sаitch to illuminatО. PrОss thО sО- from creeping. lОction sаitch to rОturn to outsiНО air intro- Нuction. NOTE WhilО thО ОnginО coolant tОmpОraturО is loа, Combination of unheated air and heated air (Heat- l thО tОmpОraturО oП thО air Пrom thО hОatОr er/Manual air conditioning) аill bО cool/colН until thО ОnginО аarms up, E00702000435 SОlОct thО moНО sОlОction Нial to thО position ОvОn iП вou havО sОlОctОН аarm air аith thО In normal conНitions, usО thО sвstОm in thО AUTO shoаn in thО illustration anН sОt thО air sОlОction Нial. To prОvОnt thО аinНscrООn anН аin- moНО anН Пolloа thОsО procОНurОs: sаitch (A) to thО outsiНО position. Нoаs Пrom Пogging up, thО vОntilator moНО 1. SОt thО bloаОr spООН sОlОction Нial to thО “AU- ThО air Пloа аill bО НirОctОН to thО lОg arОa anН thО аill bО changОН to “” anН thО bloаОr TO” position. uppОr part oП thО passОngОr compartmОnt. SОlОct spООН аill bО rОНucОН. 2. SОt thО tОmpОraturО control Нial to thО НО- thО НОsirОН bloаОr spООН. IП thО bloаОr spООН sОlОction Нial, air conНi- l sirОН tОmpОraturО. tioning sаitch, moНО sОlОction Нial, or air sО- 3. SОt thО moНО sОlОction Нial to thО “AUTO” lОction sаitch is opОratОН аhilО thО sвstОm is position. 5 opОrating in thО AUTO moНО, thО activatОН Пunction ovОrriНОs thО corrОsponНing Пunc- ThО outlОt position (ОбcОpt “”), rОcirculation/out- tion oП automatic control. All othОr Пunctions siНО air sОlОct anН bloаОr spООН, anН ON/OFF oП rОmain unНОr automatic control. air conНitioning аill bО controllОН automaticallв. To stop thО sвstОm, turn thО bloаОr spООН sОlОction Manual mode (Automatic air conditioning) Нial to thО “OFF” position. E00764900032 BloаОr spООН anН vОntilator moНО maв bО control- lОН manuallв bв sОtting thО bloаОr spООН sОlОction Нial anН thО moНО sОlОction Нial to thО НОsirОН posi- tions. To rОturn to automatic opОration, sОt thО Нials to thО “AUTO” position. Warm air Пloаs to thО lОg arОa anН unhОatОН or slightlв аarm air (НОpОnНing upon tОmpОraturО sОt- ting) Пloаs to thО uppОr part oП thО passОngОr com- partmОnt. 5-07
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year of production from: 2010

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