owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
CHECKDISC Compactdiscwith MP3 or WMA● Sampling frequency — Sampling frequency
● Confirm that the CD is inserted cor- is the rate at which the samples of a signal
Terms are converted from analog to digital (A/D
rectly (the label side is facing up,● MP3 — MP3 is short for Moving Picturesconversion) per second.
etc.). Experts Group Audio Layer 3. MP3 is the
● Confirm that the CD is not bent or ● Multisession — Multisession is one of the
most well-known compressed digital audiomethods for writing data to media. Writing
warpedanditisfree of scratches.file format. This format allows for near “CDdata once to the media is called a single
PRESSEJECT quality”sound, but at a fraction of the size ofsession,andwritingmorethanonceiscalled
normal audio files. MP3 conversion of ana multisession.
This is an error due to excessive tem-audio track from CD-ROM can reduce the● ID3/WMA Tag — The ID3/WMA tag is the
perature inside the player. Remove thefile size by approximately a 10:1 ratio withpart of the encoded MP3 or WMA file that
CDbypressingtheEJECTbutton.Aftervirtually no perceptible loss in quality. MP3contains information about the digital music
a short time, reinsert the CD. The CDcompression removes the redundant andfile such as song title, artist, encoding bit
canbeplayedwhenthetemperatureofirrelevant parts of a sound signal that therate, track time duration, etc. ID3 tag infor-
the player returns to normal.humaneardoesn’t hear.mation is displayed on the Artist/song title
UNPLAYABLE ● WMA—WindowsMediaAudio(WMA)*isaline on the display.
Thefileisunplayableinthisaudiosys-compressedaudioformatcreatedbyMicro-* Windows® and Windows Media® are regis-
tem(onlyMP3orWMA(ifsoequipped)soft as an alternative to MP3. The WMAtered trademarks and trademarks in the United
CD). codec offers greater file compression thanStates of America and other countries of Micro-
the MP3 codec, enabling storage of moresoft Corporation of the USA.
digital audio tracks in the same amount of
level of quality.
● Bit rate — Bit rate denotes the number of
bits per second used by a digital music file.
Thesize and quality of a compressed digital
audio file is determined by the bit rate used
whenencodingthe file.
4-40 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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